Oct 25, 2008 08:43
It’s probably a good thing that the Beehive is the state symbol. It means Industry. Not as in a specific industry but rather as in always doing. That fits me well lately. I realized that my evening paralysis is brought on by having too many directions to turn while having the attention span of a newborn. I get easily distracted by glitzy things and pick up a new project before completing the one I’m working on. Not to mention the fact that I’m typically unwilling to admit that some of my projects are neverending by their very nature. (Like clean my desk. Unless I learn how to handle paper permanently, this will always be a issue.)
It’s finally Friday. (At least yesterday when I wrote most of this post it was Friday.) It definitely feels like late mid-next week. It wasn’t a bad week just consistently busy. I managed to finish a couple of books.
#114, Betrayed by PJ and Kristen Cast. I enjoyed this one slightly less than the first book, but it was still a great read. This takes place shortly after Marked, so Zooey is still a "3rd Former" or freshman. The biggest changed is that Aphrodite is on Neferet’s shit list. Zooey really wouldn’t care but she sees Aphrodite’s parents and realizes that though her own mom and step-loser are seriously pitiful, they look like the Cleavers by comparison. Understanding Aphrodite gives her a clearer insight into Neferet who is not quite as she appears. Bad things happen to good people in this book but there isn’t enough build up to be really sad about it. My biggest complaint is that Zooey is too perfect. It’s all coming too easy to her, even the bad stuff. It's still hard to put down, but I keep waiting for Zooey to mess up with people that matter. Maybe the next book. 4 stars.
#115, A is for Arches, by Becky Hall and Katherine Larson. I’ve had this picture book for over a year but never got around to reading it. It’s an alphabet state book, so we learn 26 facts about Utah in this book. The little poems weren’t spectacular but the information about each item was informative and wouldn’t bore a grade school child. The illustrations were easy on the eyes. 4 stars.
#116, The Spiderwick Chronicles: Book 1 - The Field Guide by Tony Diterlizza and Holly Black. I met Holly at ALA and wanted to pick up this book in addition to Tithe. It was cute. The Grace children move into an old family home and discover that Faeries also live there and that they aren't as nice as Disney envisioned. I liked the characters but didn't find it compelling enough to want to rush out for the next book. I give them a lot of credit for creating 3 unique children. Mallory, the eldest, likes to fence. Simon likes animals and Jared, his twin, is currently the family troublemaker, even though that really was never his intent. He just doesn't know where he fits. I think he's going to find out. 3 stars.
I stitched, though not as much as I had hoped. I had delusions of finishing the bib this weekend but decided that it’s a foolish goal. I should do as much as gets done but I have other, more critical projects for this weekend. It’s not like the newborn is going to be wearing it any time soon. It’s coming out nicely and that makes me happy. I have some stitching tasks that I’d like to complete this weekend, but finishing the bib doesn’t have to be any of them.
Shopping is still on the docket. I want more shoes, in brown, and more tops. Then I’ll be done for a while. I was hoping to visit a friend which looks like will happen on Sunday. I just want to give her a baby gift when she isn't surrounded by others. Most of my other projects involve cleaning and other household chores. Errands like the library and the market. I might even cook this weekend. I’ll certainly spend more money!
Last night I got a massage. I’ve promised to hit the gym this weekend at least once. I’m going to buy a mat and weights for home. Plus a jump rope. I can’t do that in my home but I could do it in the clubhouse. I can’t do it for very long, but it is aerobic and it is fun.
Went to my therapist Thursday night. We’re going to work through a self-esteem book. It was an interesting session. I’m glad I went back. I would like to do her group therapy but I don’t have 4 consecutive Thursdays yet. It was helpful to see her. She gave me some hard truths and I appreciated those, even if I didn’t want to hear them. But she also gave me some hope and that was even better.
Like I said, it was a good week but endless. Very, very endless.
books 2008,