
Jan 01, 2026 23:23

I have no right whatsoever to post a master list since I have as much fics as I can count on my hands.

Anyway, this is for everyone's convenience since I find it irritating myself to go over everything in my journal.


Coffee and Sticky Notes
Pairing: kyumin
Genre: fluff, one-shot
Rating: G
Summary: Kyuhyun likes to have his coffee every morning signed with and by his love.

Christmas Wish
(Part One) (Part Two)
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: fluff, two-shot/ drabble
Rating: G
Summary: Sungmin wrote to Santa and Kyuhyun wants to play the part of the old man from the North

Bet 'Ya
Pairing: ninja!KyuMin, ninja!EunHae
Genre: fail!crack, drabble
Rating: G
Summary: The consequences of betting and losing to Sungmin.
A/N: Inspired by Hyukjae's "airport fashion" today [120201]. I do not see any other valid reason for it other than this. XDD

Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: angst/romance
Rating: G
Summary: Fate is cruel. But it's also just.

Wine Drabble
Pairing: Kyumin
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff (?)
A/N: drabble, drabble, drabble... I don't know what I'm doing up this late. I just know that KyuMin had wine at past three in the morning and then all my senses just flew out the window. And yeah, I don't own either of them. I do hope they own each other, though. /bricked

Fan Arts
credit: pumpkinnic
KyuMin 1
KyuMin 2


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