Must excersise more...22 ddr songs and im dead tired now. not to mention its like 1000 degrees outside, and its about the same in the house. blah. went to yorkville today, not really the way i wanted to kill my day off but whatever. its 5 already, and got a lotta time to kill before tonight...maybe ill go work on my bike. go outside, change the points, i got the kickstart in today and its on the bike already, and just out of curiousity, maybe start that peice of crap up today. hoping the engines not froze up or nothing. it started before, maybe it will start again. the clutch didnt come in yet so not much i can do about that, and i just hope it does not decide to drive itself down the street in 3rd gear or anything stupid like that. god knows how well the gears change. whatdya want, its a '71! or i guess i can vaccumm all the dog hair out of the dodge seats look like they are made of hair...oh yeah i got this pretty cool Wolfs Rain poster off ebay
now im just waiting for those slow bastards to ship it to me.