Feb 17, 2005 21:40
Politics are everywhere...
fencing, school, church, amplify... and i'm so sick of them. I'm sick of not just being able to go to fencing to enjoy myself and keep fit and compete... but getting bogged down in all the stupid 'we don't like you' crap that the clubs give each other and their coaches. I'm sick of the 'lets bend over backwards not to offend anyone and cause lots of fights thing' within the lunchtime groups and amplify and everything. Everywhere i look, people are saying what they think people want them to say, just to keep the peace... watching everything they say and do and think just in case it might offend someone... and it's getting... tiresome to say the least.
I'm sick of human biol, and i'm sick of school in general.
2 and a half pages of human biol h/w due tomorrow which i did tonight, plus other stuff, plus fencing, plus Lost. This weekend i'm going to work hard- get ahead with assignments/study etc. Make a good start on my essay maybe and get my human biol assignment done. I just have to get through my 3 tests tomorrow and then i can think about all that stuff.
Fencing was perdy good although i was fencing like absolute crap- but ya get that. I haven't fenced since Melbourne- fenced Suth, Tree and Aoning and did alright i suppose but my style was sloppy and i need to work on that. It's so frustrating when i know exactly *what* i'm doing wrong, but I STILL DO IT!!
anyhoo time for bed now. i didn't realise that i hadn't finished this lj entry.
See y'all later.
Ali.:) =)----------o