May 11, 2007 15:38
Sometimes motivation just leaves me. I finished up getting the "brain dump" (as Yigal called it) about how the algorithm functions. I still have to comment it clearly and write the readme. But I took a break to read this book that Bob had given me, saying that it was horrid and only deserved 10 minutes of my time. Of course, I read the entire thing. It was interesting, in that way that fiction about the brain written in 1942 usually it - completely right on somethings and so horribly wrong in others.
Anyway, the book seems to have lessened the effect of the brain dump, which is good, but also seems to have put me in a funk. And I'm hungry. None of these is conducive to work. In addition, Bob keeps telling me he has another analysis for me to try, but that it can wait until after I finish some of this other stuff. But, I'm torn - I really want to look at my data and write a paper and make a story, a coherent argument, out of it, but I know that if I start doing that before I get the boring stuff done, then the boring stuff will fall by the wayside and never get done.
And the boring stuff will make everything in the future so much more pleasant and decrease the amount of work that I'll have to do then, by more than the time I put into it now. It's just that I have to get the motivation to finally DO all these things.