I just dumped two cups of water up my nose in the name of hygiene. One of the weirdest sensations of my life, but strangely soothing. I have major sinus trouble, which might even be causing my asthma symptoms, and I'm tired of drugs with side-effects. So, I bought a
neti pot, which is a ceramic pot that you fill with salinated water and pour into one of your nostrils. The water winds its way through your sinuses and drains out the other nostril. TOTALLY BIZARRE, but the human body is awesome. Luckily, I could supress the water-up-the-nose panic long enough for a steady stream of water to flow through my face, and I'm fascinated by the whole process. My sinuses aren't really clear, but I'm hoping that after a few days, all the collected junk will be dealt with and I will feel better from now on. It's about time, and maybe I'm just a closet Indian, instead of a dirty hippie, afterall.....