SED May 8

May 08, 2015 21:21

Ugh. Just spent the last 2 hours updating the gps. A gps, I might add, that was purchased when the twins were still in high school, so, pre 2008. And, from the looks of it, hasn't been updated since Lee was still working on the road. Again, pre-2008. *sigh* Well, it's done, updated, and if I remember to put some money on a pre-paid credit card, I can purchase some updated traffic maps, too.

Long day at work, only 3 of us on staff, and one had to leave to fetch his father from the hospital and take him home. So, for about an hour, there was 2 of us forth whole store. I love the short-staffing our district manager is pulling on us. It's also why I'm only pulling 5 hours a week. Looking at a second job. Will hear more on that later.

Got home, fought with my new contact lenses to get them in so the optician could see them and take measurements, etc, to make sure the were setting on my eyes nicely. Amazing how wonderful a quality pair of contacts feel over the cheap ones I bought for last MISTI. And they freaked a lot of folks out at Walmart, too. :D Was amazing amount of fun.

Struggled to get the window open last night and the fan in. Now, struggled to close the window. Was 80F yesterday. Was about 55F today and wet.

Still have things to do, and less time to do them. Lee reminded me to get a locking gas cap for the car. I hate having to do that, but I am headed to he big city. Also means I need to learn how to use my car alarm. Who uses car alarms in the Northwoods? for that matter, who even bothers to lock their doors, let alone their car doors. Looks like I have a steep learning curve ahead of me. Did pick up new wipers for the car, though. The ones on there now are pretty ratty.

I think tonight will be spent shuffling the extraneous contents of one computer to the other. I need to free up space in the poor old(er) laptop so I can dump pictures and video into it during MISTI. The new laptop rarely ever leaves the house. And, of course, back up files onto the external harddrive.

Busy, busy, busy!
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