SED May 2

May 02, 2015 22:47

Yes, I'm terribly unoriginal with the subject name, but if I don't get it down, my brain will wander off and I'll feel obligated to go look for it, get distracted and the next thing you know it's 3am and I'm shutting down the computer for bedtime.

SED: I finally got the last of those tiles/drink coasters finished! Tomorrow they will get clear coat put on, and cork on the bottom. Then they will be ready for sale (need to raise some $$ for the money I have to take out to get the new starter for my car). Any leftovers will go to MISTI with me to sell there.

Found the bedroom floor after rounding up all kinds of debris and dirty clothes. Also made a run to the dump and stopped off at the feed store to buy cat food.

Looked like an absolutely beautiful day out today, and I spent it all indoors painting the Slytherin crest on tiles. Tomorrow, I will go to the ceramic shop and put the final touches on a couple seekrit projects I've ben making for MISTI.

Oh, and I woke up and there was a brand, shiny new Princess in the world! It doesn't get better than that. Happy Birthday, Princess of Cambridge! (I think that's her title, yes?)
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