You are a stone key, and you unlock old and magical
secrets. What you have to offer is powerful and
difficult for many to understand, but
invaluable to the few who can truly grasp it.
Give the things you have carefully and
wisely, because not everyone will use them for
What sort of key are you and what do you unlock? brought to you by
Quizilla I liked this quiz. Gacked it from
kadollan. Suited me and my mood tonight. I actually got the frickin lawn mowed today. Or most of it anyway. It was more like cutting hay, even with the lawn tractor; I had to go in first speed and only use half the width of the cutting bay. That's how frickin tall the grass in back was. I think I need to mow it again (at a higher speed, thank the gods), just to mulch the hay I cut today. Had to stop with the front lawn. Hit a low branch on one of our cedar trees and messed up the sun shade that came free with the bloomin mower. So I spent the evening putting it back together with the help of David N., who also helped me put my TV back together after
wodentoad accidently unhooked one wire (controlling the red color) when she plugged in her Play Station so she could play her new games. They haven't unpacked enough to find their own TV yet--plus everyone else was over here. If
korens_puppy hadn't swiped the right cords to
cicerotully's PS2 when he was gathering up his Nintendo equipment the other night, she could have played it without all the fuss. Oh well, it was quite an adventure. But now my couch fits into my living room better, with David's help. I also did the dishes.
In other words, I probably did too bloomin' much. But I'm going to be good and go to bed and sleep as long as I need to tomorrow before I start back on the lawn again. That way, no fibro flare up (if I'm lucky). It's the first day I've felt like doing anything since I got sick about 6 weeks ago, so I took advantage of it. I just got to learn to pace myself. Something I've always had problems with.
So, hence, my update for now. Not real exciting, but I'm only on book 3 of WOT, and the new book comes out in 10 days, so I gotta go read.