Alright, first post finally

Jun 05, 2005 22:15

I just wanted to put general things about myself just incase anyone is interested. Plus, I really want to anyway. :)

I love, classical music, jazz, old movies, classic rock, and metal. So, I guess you could say I am an old soul. I don't really watch much tv, not to today's standards anyway. I usually watch old sitcoms.

By the way, I am 19.

I enjoy playing the violin, I really want a Stauss electric violin, that would make my day, year, ect. I like to shop, but usually I end up buying things I don't need.

I live in CO right now, and I want to move to California one day for school or just to move there. I love fashion design and drawing, but I think NY would be too inimidating for me.

I am not the typical latina/black girl. :) As you can see.

Tomorrow: Going to fill out an application at a clothing store; I need a job.
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