Aug 04, 2007 20:48
I was bored and poking around the myspace video, and I came across someone who truly was an idiot. I'm talking dumber than shit. If this person was to stand still for too long, someone would try to water them thinking they were a plant! They did a video slide show to Billy Joel's "we didn't start the fire," but the first slide showed Bush and Blair, and had the caption "We did start the fire." It had a whole bunch of hippie propaganda photos. But honestly, how dumb can you be? They chose a song that said the complete OPPOSIT of what they were trying to say. That's like doing a rap about why rap music should be banned. The point of the song is that things were never perfect, there were always problems, and one thing leads to another, and we're just at the end of the chain of events, with more links being added as time goes on. So for anyone who cares to know why things are the way they are, I'm going to put in a little history lesson. I could go back to pre-Roman empire, but I'll start with the end of WWII instead and give a shortened version.
After WWII, Communism was at the height of it's glory. Having defeated Germany, and taken over half of Europe, Comrade Stalin decided to spread his empire. The USSR was formed, and continued to seak out new countries to bring in for it's continued growth. This included the failed invasion of South Korea by North Korea, and the failed attempt to invade South Vietnam, but later handed the country by the hippies. Yes, you herd me. After Vietnam, the top generals from the North Vietnamese army all told that they had no chance of ever beating the US military. But they kept hearing of the protests and civil unrest in the US. And they said that the ONLY reason they kept fighting was in the hope that the protests in America would eventually cause the withdraw of our military. Which eventually happened. After the hippies causing massive casualties by giving the NVA the hope and courage to keep fighting, and to keep killing Americans. After a short pause after their "victory" the Russians set their eyes on Afghanistan in the 1980s. And once again, America answered to try and stop another country from being over run. This time, America switched tactics, to train and supply local militias in order that they might defend their own country without US casualties. One of these groups was lead by Osama Bin Laden. Ever wonder why he wears an American camoflage jacket in all of his videos? This time it worked, and the communists were stopped. And as the Romans have learned, without a strong economy, and without continued conquest, the money will run out, and the empire will fall. Now that they no longer had to worry about the USSR's expansion, Iraq saw it's chance to grow, invading Kuwait. US again answered the call to protect another nation. But we didn't have any military bases nearby. So Saudi Arabia allowed the US to use it as a staging ground for Operation Desert Shield, and later for Operation Desert Storm. Osama volunteered his army to go in with the US military, but the prince of Saudi Arabia didn't want the Afghanistan army in their country. This pissed off Bin Laden that an army from the other side of the world could go in to defend Kuwait, but their army from so close wasn't allowed to. Thus started Bin Laden on his path to vengeance and trying to prove his army was worthy by attacking the US. Which we counter attacked against after 9/11. And since our military was right there, and since Sadam used weapons of mass destruction against the Kurds, and was threatening to do it again, and with our failing economy, Bush decided it was time to go in and take out Sadam once and for all. Our economy was driven up in the late '90s on internet stocks. Stock in companies that had no income. So it was high, but very frail. when 9/11 occurred, everyone wanted their money safer, so they pulled out of the internet companies, which the companies then dissolved, causing the economy to come crashing down. And what is the one thing that has been used time and again to bring countries out of recessions and depressions? The military. Only this time, we decided to use it BEFORE we were in a depression. Every time you hear about the billions of dollars for the military, 100% of that goes back into the US economy. It goes to American industry, and to pay the soldier's salaries. But still, you have the hippies sitting on their couch, in a now strong economy, crying because Bush wanted to help America, through Iraq, instead of Bush ordering the troops to mow the lawn and wash the cars, and give fat checks to the selfish hippies who don't know how good they got it. And now that Iraq is winding down, it's a slap in the face of the hippies. Now they're acting just like Bin Laden, trying to save face, and are desperately grasping at any reason they can find to prove Bush wrong. Because if Bush is right, then they are wrong. What do they care that once again their protests are killing troops? They want to party and have a good time, and for once in their pathetic lives they want to pretend they are right.
It's just another link in the chain of events that is life. It didn't start with the Allies letting Stalin keep eastern Europe, it started way before then. We didn't start the fire. It's always been burning since the world's been turning.
Now aren't you glad this was the short version? ;)