For all the Browncoat cooks out there... (a crossposting)

May 20, 2009 13:24

Shiny Chefs » Blog Archive » More Than Just Protein: Browncoat Recipes Submissions Open
More Than Just Protein: Browncoat Recipes Submissions Open

We are proud to announce we are now accepting recipe submissions. It is our hope to have the recipe book ready for the holiday season so submissions are open until August 1, 2009.

Please include the following information:

1. Your real name (not included in the book unless specified)
2. Your name to be printed in the book, can be a nickname, online alias or your real name.
3. Your recipe. We would love it if you word it to fit the Firefly/Serenity Universe (properly “Browncoat” it). If you do so, please make sure the recipe directions are easy to follow. It is also helpful to include international measurements (see: for easy conversion) but not including them will not prevent your recipe from being included in the book.
4. We will not accept completely anonymous recipes. If you wish to be anonymous in the book, please provide us with a nickname to use for you. If your recipe is not your own creation, please personalize it as much as possible and please create a unique recipe title for it (refer to US Copyright FL-122 at
5. You may submit as many recipes as you wish with the understanding that not all recipes may appear in the book.

Send them to us at:

I can't say I have any ideas for this off the top of my head but it would be fun to see what they come up with for this cookbook. This was originally posted in the food_porn  community.

cooking, food, firefly, browncoats

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