But it's just a frelling membrane!!!!!

Jan 14, 2009 10:36

(tip o' the hat  to benchilada  for posting this first)

So an enterprising young woman has decided to auction off her virginity to the highest bidder in order to pay for her college education.  That link goes to the CNN video about it complete with snarky, condescending "reporters" patting themselves on the back with how morally superior they are to said young woman.  My response to them?  Fuck you right in the ear, you sanctimonious pricks.  With most talking heads these days, all you're getting is someone with a pleasant face and speaking voice who contributes little to the public discourse, i.e., they're being paid to sit there and deliver lines often for a lot of money.  How, pray tell, is that any different from being paid for sex (other than the obvious hypocrisy of sex being somehow more of a sacred cow then running your mouth in public)?

Even better is the self-righteous attitude aimed at her by others in our society who feel the same way and will not hesitate to put in their crappy 2 cents about the choices this particular woman makes about her body.  You may not like it but I assure you, she isn't doing it to satisfy your sense of moral rectitude.  So again, go fuck yourself right in the ear.

Would I do the same thing?  Nope.  I'm too squicked out by the idea of having sex with someone I don't know but that's my particular hang up.  However, I do remember that losing my virginity was a rather comical thing and not at all sexy nor was it some great mystical, spiritual communion with my one and only and god/dess.  In retrospect I feel that way too much importance is placed on the presence of that stupid membrane (which is usually almost gone in modern young women these days thanks to things like gym class) or the so called "purity" of a person.  My purity, my very sense of self, my soul is not predicated on whether some small piece of flesh is present in my cunt and I am guessing that is the same for this women.

Jaysus people, try getting a clue!

stupid media, stupidity, sexuality

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