Daily Kos: Educating the GOP: A Photo History of Community OrganizersThat these bastions of the GOP would denigrate the importance of community organizers on the same night their party nominates its first female vice presidential candidate shows an utter disrespect for the people of this country and a laughable ignorance of the power we wield. This is what community organizers do...
They change the world. Block by block, city by city, state by state, nation by nation...
So, GOP, meet community organizer Susan B. Anthony. She helped guarantee women's suffrage in the United States by giving public speeches and uniting with fellow advocates of change...
Meet community organizer Martin Luther King Jr. He helped end racial segregation and discrimination by inspiring a nation to come together and realize their dreams...
Meet community organizer Cesar Chavez. He helped farm workers secure labor rights and fair wages. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy called him "one of the heroic figures of our time." ...
And really, this helps point out the issue that the current GOP has with community organizers, they help the powerless, the poor, the dark skinned and disenfranchised stand up to the true elitists: the rich, straight, white men holding positions of power and that is an unforgivable gaffe. When you allow the people at the bottom to see the power they wield, understand what can happen when they unite and speak truth to power, they are no longer scared, they are no longer easily cowed and they are no longer easily controlled. They will hold you responsible for the crimes and injustices you have committed against them in your quest for ever more riches and power and you will be forced to answer to them. Perhaps that is why the GOP have trotted out this self loathing, well trained attack dog, AKA Sarah Palin. They're hoping all her barking will help keep people scared and easily swayed but as Obama said, there is something stirring in this country now and we, the people, will no longer be so easily led by the corrupt elitsts in power.
Thanks to
severe_scented for posting this on
latinos4obama .