Dec 06, 2004 22:39
Let me start with DphiE Formal.... yes, I get my nails and toes done, Nancy picks up Vero, we head out at 5 to pick up Robbie in Kendall (yeah, do you visualize the problem, rush hour traffic maybe?), my hijada, Jill, calls and is so clever, hey she will pick up Robbie because she's on her way to the rent and she lives in Kendall... I love gifted children! So I do some crazy shit, head to 1-95?, and we take forever. Along the "roadtrip," I am stressed and get my migraine- I really almost threw up and I hadn't drank one ounce of liquor heha, Nancy doesn't stop talking- she notices and tells me it will keep me awake- I think she added on to the migraine- but we'll never know, and THEN Vero done some crazy ASS shit then proceeds to dirty my car with a sweet n sour sauce that makes my car smell like more ass and I don't notice the damage til the next morning. We get lost along the way, Jason is already on his way, and we finally know where we're heading by 7. Jill leads the way with Robbie and we finally get to the hotel at 7:30... mind you, the h'ordoeurves (funny) start at 8 and I am in charge of gag awards and have to be there by 9, but that never happens. We get all pretty, do our hair, take some amazing pictures (I love my date), and leave Jill in the room with the tv turned on and her liquor.
Formal was fun... I got the Sisterhood Award, Spirit Sister, good times, I know, I'm great..... just like RAY!!! We tore it up on the dancefloor and left at 1am. On the way home, Jason and Robbie were screaming obscenities at the people in the sidewalks... que pena, but it was really funny!!! All the Sammy's were there, it was fantastico! I am super happy when I see Bizzle, yeah he was drunk already- let us in biatch- through the front, and of course my Lil!!! My Sammy's were there and so was Alina, you looked hot, I loved the purple, but you left early, tear!!! We proceeded to start the partayyyyyy... I remember drinking a lot, heha, behaving myself, sitting too long in the couch with a certain individual... Please, next time, I would like my sisters to have my back... Bizzle on the floor then on the bed drunk, trying to take a picture with Manny (adorable), entertaining myself because my date didn't drink- he actually slept for awhile, and then woke up because Nancy and Robbie needed the room... NOTHING happened people!!! I slept for a bit also then EVERYONE was gone except Jill, Vero, Nancy, Robbie, Jason, and I... wtf????? Thank you everyone... Sammy and DphiE are #1!!!
At 10:30am, I was already awake and got Nancy off the bed, when the Crazy Manager calls and says we must leave because there were illegal activities going on last night and the cops are on the way! We literally ran, got our stuff, she came in with two maids ( how random, it was her backup people), and Robbie, pobresito, proceeded to tell her that he was 21 and we were being safe. We dipped after calling some of the girls and telling them the fiasco. Jason led the way because we were starving, yeah hold on, Rosy not only got drunk from 4 cups of Zombie, she did it without eating anything because I was too nervous at formal, the tolerance is at its peak! We went to Cracker Barrel aka Hick Town and ate some good biscuits with gravy, YeeHawww!!! As I went to the restroom, Jason remembered the most beautiful roses he bought for me, and my dumbass forgot them, ehhhh, I wanted to hide, I didn't even take a picture of them, I'm such a horrible person.... I love you Jason!!! We bought some stuff and headed home!
My Grandlil called me at night to tell me he was at Chili's eating our dessert and thought of me... I LOVE YOU CHRIS!!! We will be having a family lunch next week!!!
Tina Congrats, I will be giving you Big ol' Hugs and Kisses. You are truly a sister of one great sorority!!!!
Write it down on your calendars:
Nancy's Birthday December 17th
We will be partying Thursday night the 16th at the Grove til we can't any longer
Then it will continue all weekend because it's Sammy Semi-Formal baby in Pleasure Island
Sunday December 19th at 4pm
Purple and Gold Xmas Picnic
Potluck Dinner, Bring Your Games, and Let's celebrete Friendship (I know it's gay, but it's Rosy :)
Location TBA but it will be at a park!!!
It's beginning to look a lot like Xmas!!! People please think about how great it is to be here and that we must enjoy every minute of it... Seize the Day!!!