Hey everyone,
so I'm dead tired. I partied yesterday, and did my body no favours in so doing. But you know what? My body can piss off...I get drunk for my brain, not my damned liver.
But yeah, this entry's not supposed to be about me, it's about extending nice warm welcomes to the newest additions on me ol' LJ friends page of "Amigos Great-os" to Ken
matrix101 and Chris
Hey guys.
That's good, I'm just chillin'.
Later y'all.
Hahahaha, ok, I promise to stop. But it entertained me for a good...thirty seconds or so. Which is saying a lot, I think.
Anyway, friends, off I go. I need to take a SHOWER.
9:35 p.m. EDIT: In my complete and total idiocy, I forgot to add Angel into the mix! How, I do not know. She's my favourite person ever, and for my transgression, I shall never forgive myself. The biggest, loudest, and most gregarious welcome goes out to Angel
offtheball, who also got a brand, spanking new LJ as a testament to her awesomeness.