La péché mortel de la Fanfiction - The deadly sin of Fanfiction

Nov 13, 2004 20:47

I feel like somebody just rolled me over. Twice... with a 7,8 ton heavy truck. Yes, that bad. And the best part is, I have been doing nothing bar sitting on my ass and doing the laundry today.
Not at all... because I've been very productive today (as my mood shows) and wrote around 8 to 9 pages on La péché mortel de la chimère. More to come. I mean... I still have the whole Sunday and night to work on chapter two... which still has three more scenes to go. I really need a bed... which is seductively standing right next to me.... >.< Noooooo!
I need a place to hold all the information that's in my head and not somewhere in my computer or on paper (though the ones on paper are surely going to get lost soon). What a better place, other than my notes to the FF (which only contains the rough overviews of the chapters), than my LiveJournal?
(It might be interesting to note that if anyone of my readers reads this, they will have a shameless preview of the plot..... -____-° Ah... what the hell.)


First note, to chapter one, before I forget the translation myself:
Novo Optato Veritas (which has no guarantees for grammatical correctness) means:
Novo = new; optare = to sort per wish; veritas = truth
Translation: To sort newly to the wish of truth
For dumbasses: re-sort the way it should be
Don't ask me how I managed to perform a half-way correct translation out of LATIN of all things... just happened.

Now to the biggest mystery of all... the bloody goddamn prophecy I myself had some time figuring out... Yes, you read correctly... I MYSELF didn't know what the prophecy was supposed to mean... ^^°°°

"The moment of the Chimera draws near,"

"Born to two lions, bred to be a snake…"
Two lions = Lily, James; bred to be a snake = Harry learning how to avoid trouble with the Dursleys by being cunning, trying to prove that he is more than just a 'boy' to them

"He will break free of his cage and kill his captor,"
Cage = the perfect hero image he was dumped in; captor = Mischter Dubbledore

"Prophecies of old will lie and the Basilisk will drown within his partner’s light,"
old prophecies = the prophecy from the DoM; Basilisk = duh, Voldemort & Tom Riddle; light = some sort of flashy magic thingy to get rid of Voldemrot (<-- haha! I actually really typed him wrong and because it looked and sounded funny, I just left it at that) with a lot of love from Harry

"To be reborn in his poison."
his poison = Harry's spell didn't have the right intent... it was 'poisoned', leading to the rebirth of Voldemort as Tom Riddle

"Heed the words of destiny, foolish mortal, repair Lucifer’s wings and peace will rule,"
words of destiny = new prophecy; repair wings = help and stand by Harry's side, don't lie to him a.s.o.; Lucifer = find out yourself ~.^

"But should thou not,
Then beg for mercy,
The world will quake and tremble with fear."

The Lucifer analogy was off the top of my head, I admit... spontaneous inspiration, one might say, but I won't reveal too much about it, only that my FF really has a lot of similarity to the story of Lucifer, World's most famous fallen angel.

Whenever chapter 2 comes out, many might notice that I try to avoid random things. I've learned my lesson, that's why everything has a reason and some sort of meaning. Evil, since you can't get information for some things... that's what my LiveJournal is for... to explain my crazy mind and the insanity it sprouts. Anyway, I've researched a lot for chapter 2 and made only one plot-instrument of it... ^^°

Harry has to leave for Hogwarts on the 24th of June, 1996. Written out date-like it looks like this:
Nothing unusual there. But let's look a bit closer, eh? I've found the information in the Internet (don't you just love it?), that on the 06/06/1966, some astronomical signs stood in a six degrees angle to each other and when connected on an astronomical chart, it would take the form of a pentagon, a sign of the devil (or so people say).
Why is it related to 24/06/1996?
The first number 24: If you add the numbers 2 and 4, it will equal six (I believe this is called a square-root in English)
June: The sixth month in the Gregorian sun calendar.
1996: The 1 is insignificant, however, if you mirror both 9's, you will receive 6's instead. So the number will look like this: 1666
Add all of this together, it will end up this way:
24/06/1996 = 06/06/1666
Bar of one number, the date is full of 6's. The number of the devil. This is a connection to the Lucifer analogy. I wanted to make the date Harry is re-sorted (oh damn, gave it away... XD) a memorial date... what could be better, than a date that reeks of metaphoric connections? *eg* Now that I think about it... in words, the date would be:
Devil, Devil, one Devil Devil Devil
... Ooooh... les warps! (<-- pathetic French spin-off)
Devil, oh Devil, one powerful Devil.
Might be useful... do keep in mind this last part just sprang out at the very moment I wrote it.

Since we're at it, for a finishing touch:
What do you read when you spell 'lived' (from the verb 'to live') backwards?
Lived Devil = Devil lived.
Be afraid... be very afraid.

Now, I'm off to continue on LPmdlC.

~*SableSilence Lilith*~
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