Working... working... WORKING.... =__=

Jan 03, 2005 17:32

*eating chocolate like stupid* *chewchew* There goes my after-London-trip-diet....

W00T! I've been working on LpmdlC for quite a few days now and am proud to say I have just finished Scene... erm... five just a moment ago. Scenes four and five are pretty short, but hey, I have to fit in the Songtext I chose somehow... (This chapter's songtext: Further by Samael)... Chapter 3 is one of the longest chapters yet and I am happy I'm going to finish it soon, since scene 6 is the last scene... It's been very hard work characterizing Ron, Hermione and Voldemort, without going OOC... though Ginny was very difficult, since there isn't much known about her... McLagan was another thing... I have actually free choice over his actions, but I tried not to make him a Gary-Stu or anything... which is another difficult thing, given I have made him the direct heir of Gryffindor. I've been playing with a lot of abilities I could give him (and while doing that, also trying to see what might suit Harry) and I really am at a loss... most of my OC's are swordmen and that might really fit him, were it not for that darn limp he had... maybe...

Talents of Leonidas McLagan (I suddenly remembered that Leonidas is a Greek name... boo me!)
- Auror from the First War, survived, but limp comes from the war
- travelled a lot --> learned a lot on his travels
- learned fencing before he fought in the war... due to injuries, cannot fence any longer

I must state that NO, Leonidas does not know Legilimency or Occlumency. There... he has weaknesses... his limp, his bad eyesight and general bad body condition... Magical-power-wise, he's around Moony's level. HA! NO GARY-STU! (I actually wrote Gary-SUE... *hands everyone a bar of snickers*)

... I'm still wondering what powers Harry can have... I have to find out soon, because Scene Six involves him reading in his new books about those powers... I'm going to be very Anti-... whatever it is called.. (I need my better half (Tenchi) for that... she is, after all, in charge of the brains... since I myself am an git with the mental capacity of a tea-spoon... poor tea-spoon... how did one of the FF writers put it? Must not insult the poor tea-spoon.) and not take Animagus, since it's been over-done... sorry, no Animagus snake. I actually have the suspicion that Tom is a snake animagus... since Harry sees things from his perspective, the scene in OoTP with Arthur and the snake indicates exactly that...
Ok, for starters, I am playing with a lot of Dark Arts... bear with me... I have made a list (very very long ago and for a very very different FF) of powers you can have in the Wizarding World and it looks like this:

Shadow bending: Power to transform/melt into shadows and appear/move wherever shadows are.
Elemental magic: Power to bend elements to ones will. Possibilities: Earth or Wind.
Bestial tongue: Power to speak to animals, sub-power to Bestial tongue: Parseltongue.
Animagi: Ability to transform into an animal.
Metamorphmagi: Power to change features at will.
Legilimency: Ability to read someone’s mind.
Occlumency: Ability to block one’s mind.
Mage magic: Power to do Wandless magic.
Sorcery: Power to use a staff instead of a wand.
Shamanism: Power to use items or people (only willingly) as bodies for ghosts. (See Shaman King)
Necromancy: Power to raise the dead.
Tejina Ninja: Ninja magic, using hand and finger sings.
Tejina washi: Paper magic, using a wandlessly conjured paper to do magic.

Ok, let's see... cancel Elemental magic (over-done as well), Bestial tongue (very over-done... oh, yeah, the word I was looking for is cliche... I am very Anti-Cliche), Animagus, Metamorphmagus (as much sense it would make, I don't like Metamorphmagi), Legilimency takes too long, Occlumency is already in, Mage magic is over-done, Sorcery is annoying, Shamanism is copied and Tejina Washi is a very annoying form of Tejina Ninja... and I created it... big NO-NO. What's left?

Shadow Bending, Necromancy and Tejina Ninja...

Hrm... I actually love Shadow Bending, but it comes a bit all-powerful, don't you think? Of course, I could... Yes... YES! YESYESYES!!! OF COURSE! I could restrict it! I admit, I stole Shadow Bending a bit from Hellsing... though only a bit... it was inspired by Hellsing... Shadows aren't substantial... they cannot materialize into anything, they are just what they are... shadows... people can't feel or hear them, only see... The Shadow Master (duh) is only able to become a shadow and since he is actually a substantial being, he can materialize... ok, excuse me, I'm going to go off and figure all this out. Be ready for some information in Chapter 3!! (Which I will hopefully finish by max. tomorrow.)

... OMG... my stomach is hurting because I'm so damn hungry.... Isn't the emotion "Starved" in the emotion-list????????!!!!

Going for food,
~*SableSilence Lilith*~
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