Mar 20, 2006 21:19
Definition of friends:
A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
So tell me, after I tell you my little story, if these people are really my friends.
Now most of you know I'm not on campus at Job Corps anymore, so I don't see what happens there. I trust my fiance and my friends to tell me if something was going on. And anyone who knows me knows that I take all sides before rendering a decision on who to believe. So here's what's going on. Chris has been helping out a friend of ours named Charmaign with some of her problems, which I understand, since I did the same thing when I was there. She has some problems and always likes to hear advice from others. Well aparently Rocki, Bethany and Witcher have been telling everyone that he's cheating on me with her. Rocki I would trust, but not Bethany. Witcher of course, but I'm not sure how he's involved. I cslled one of my so-called friends named Brandy and she told me she has been on a 2 week break and just got back on campus. She then proceeded to call me back and say she's seen Chris with Charmaign. AFTER telling me she knows Chris is in the Rec and Charmaign was in her room. Therefore, I don't believe her at all. She lied to me. So I proceeded to call Toby, whom I know I can trust when it comes to Chris no matter what. She told me that nothing is going on and she would tell Brother I wanted to talk to him. Now above anyone else on campus that is into the gossip and would know, I trust Brother over everyone except Chris.
So now where does that leave me? I trust Chris because he's never given me a reason to ever doubt him. But when people start saying stuff that I know isn't true, I get really concerned. Are people out to ruin my life? Are people really out to break up my relationship with Chris? Is it really that bad? Do I not deserve him or is it because they are jealous? I don't understand.
But understand this:
If I mentioned your name above in ill terms, with the exception of Witcher, you are no longer my friend.