Jan 18, 2009 11:14
Remember how back in the day, when I read my sister's LJ entries and figured that she's been lying to her little friends and saying that no one listens to her, I got so mad that I cussed four times in a row? Yep, that's what happens when I get riled up: the Inner Sable comes out and so does a whole barrage of cuss words.
That only happens when I'm really mad, though. And if I get a chance before this happens, I can walk away, stay away from them for about thirty minutes to an hour, and be calm(er) once I come back.
Not today, my friends! Today I just cussed out one of my sister's old friends and felt no remorse at all! Because nobody--NOBODY--except me and Regan can talk bad about my sister and get away with it!
Don't even ask me what I said.... I can't remember. That's the way it goes: I can remember what it felt like but I can't remember the words to that same song. The last time I felt like this, I was trying to get Niels to hit me...but he wouldn't, sadly. Not sadly for me;
*wrinkles nose* Her old friends are stupid, though! Only preps at school would say things like "dumbface" and "ignorify". I know that sometimes Kirra can make up words in tribute to the musical "Wicked"...but come on! GROW UP!!!!
I remember that Kirra got grounded two years ago, and she'd beg me to talk to Krys for her. So I did, and I'd feel guilty, so I told Mom. Mom told me not to do it again. But Kirra kept pestering me, and I did it again...and I got grounded.... But I'm not holding that against her (Kirra, I mean). This is just one of the examples of the way life was before Kir and I knew what life was like when we followed God's will.
Yep, we were obsessed with people who never truly loved us and it took us a long time for us to figure out that it wasn't worth it. And we both figured it out June 30th, 2008, in Clinton Mississippi, at a church camp known as Centrifuge. Kir was still having problems with Krys, and she knew that God was telling her to let it go. And she finally did that summer. Meanwhile, I wouldn't let go of Daniel until this past September, telling God at Centrifuge that the only way He could have my all was if He literally pried that one thing I wouldn't give up out of my reach.
And God did it. Because I gave Him permission...and meant it.
Kirra has found someone that loves both her *and* God. After Krystal had told her that "no one would want to take a backseat to God". I guess you've been proven wrong, bitch!
*sigh* What's really bad is that I'm going to church around 3:30.
Oh, well. Point is, Kir's livingn a better life now that she's learning how to live knowing that God still loves her no matter what she does or who she is. As for me...eh, I'll have to wait for a while and see where my Best Friend and Savior is taking me.