i mostly live on vox. i rarely come to lj anymore ^^;
there's just a few things i want to point out about here. i'm going to be straight-forward, so forgive me if i don't mince my words.
if you want to know more about me -
vox. most of my fangirling goes there too.
if you want to download a lot of Arashi stuff -
Arashian Files.
i only update the site, i'm NOT the owner or creator. so i would prefer if people would stop referring to it as MY site - it's not. Ladys_delight was the creator, xiaowanzi is the current owner.
if you want to download some other stuff - you're in the right place ^^
i do intend to put some other things here as well, but for now, most of my Arashi stuff is going on the site.
that's it really. lols. i feel really bad that i don't update this place much at all. and the paucity of the layout is embarassing. especially since i spent most of last night making a new banner for vox ^^; and i really should make some pretty avatars instead of using the same one all the time ^^;