O...kay... After nearly burning down the house, I'm going to...um...take a break.
Uh. Look!
Which Genocidal Maniac Are You?Brought to you by
Rum and Monkey Sieg heil, you're Adolf Hitler!
Quite possibly more famous than Jesus, you masterminded and helped orchestrate the biggest war crime of the twentieth century. Twelve million people were killed in your infamous death camps - which will label you as one of the most evil men ever for all eternity.
Not only did you gas people and cook them in massive ovens, you also performed all kinds of horrible experiments on them - experiments that could never be allowed before, or since.
On the other hand, you gave the world highways and the Volkswagon Beetle. Go figure.
Take the Affliction Test Today! Transmitted by direct contact with one of your infections (usually through unprotected sex), you're one nasty STD! In your initial stages, you cause sores, usually on the genitals or in the rectum, but that's only the delicious beginning. Later on, you'll cause a rash, and then slip away ... but you won't be gone. No no, my friend. You're far too cunning.
You'll still pass yourself on to anyone the poor soul you've infected has sex with (anal, vaginal or oral), and you'll start to erode their muscles and nerves! In fact, you'll eventually lead, if left untreated, to malcoordination, blindness, paralysis, dementia and then death!
And that's not all - if you infect a pregnant women, you'll also be passed to their child! A single shot of penicillin will kill you, but shhhhh .. I won't tell anyone if you won't.
(I somehow knew I'd get an STD. o.O ...alright. That sounded worse than I intended for it to sound... Um.)
Which Evil Criminal are You? Mad as a hatter and friend of Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, you believe that the Beatles song Helter Skelter is indicative of a coming race war, where the "blackies" will win. You also consider yourself a talented folksinger.
You have amassed a group of female followers known as The Family, who perform killings for you and look upon you as if you were Jesus Christ. You have sex with each and every one of them, and encourage them to have sex with each other, but they're most famous for killing pregnant actress Sharon Tate.
(Oh, yay.)
Back to work--without burning the house down.