A lot of nothing to say...

Nov 03, 2003 00:21

1. Your name: Jessica.

2. Do you like your name?: No.

3. If not, what would you change it to?: Sabi. But most people call me that, anyway.

4. Your age: Sixteen.

5. Do you wish you were younger/older?: I wish I could be older...

6. If so, what age, and how come?: Eighteen--so I can get the fuck out of here, get a job, and get on with this thing called "life."

7. What school are you going to?: Ghetto Run.

8. Where is that school located?: Virginia Beach.

9. Do you get along with your parents?: Not very well.

10. Do you get along with your siblings?: We find ourselves making alliances at times...


11. Do you have a best friend?: I think I do.

12. Why is that person your best friend?: **Thinks.** Because they weren't afraid to talk to me, and they didn't make fun of me... They didn't get in my face to get me to talk to them. They weren't overly curious. They just came over quietly and talked to me...

13. By the way, who is this person?: Raiee.

14. Do you trust your friends?: ...perhaps a little more than I ever should trust any single person. I trust them, yes. But I will always be prepared to be backstabbed.

15. Who is one person that you could totally tell anything to?: ...hmm. **Tilts her head back, closes her eyes.** No one, yet. I'd tell everyone everything if it were the day before I died... But... Not right now...

16. Name one person that you used to be friends with, that you wish you could be friends with now: ...Yumi. Yeah, we're still friends, but we're so detached and changed...

17. Why did that friendship end? I moved.

18. What qualites do you like that your friends have?: Loyalty.

19. Do you think you have good friends?: Yes.

20. If you could give your best friend (or closest friend) one thing, what would it be?: The Secret of Life.


21. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Eh. Yes.

22. What is their name?: ..."Mine."

23. Are you seeing anyone?: ...how redundant?

24. What is their name?: ...

25. Do you have a crush on anyone?: I fucking hate that term.

26. What is their name? Damnit...

27. If any of the questioned are answered, why do you like the person you are with/have a crush on?: Many reasons.

28. Do they have any qualities that they have, that you would like to have for yourself?: Yes.

29. How much time do you like to spend with them?: ...as much time as we can manage.

30. Where they your friend before you started dating/liking them?: ...no. He picked me up off a streetcorner...


31. Color?: Red, silver, black.

32. Shampoo?: Whatever.

33. Deodorant?: Whatever. As long as it works.

35. Actress?: Sure. Why not? Winona Ryder.

36. Sandwich?: Sliced roast beef, swiss cheese...

37. Bread?: Sourdough!

38. Animal?: Wolf. Wulfy. Aroo.

40. Food?: Whatever strikes me.

~**Either or**~

41. White or Dark Chocolate?: White.

42. Stuffed Animal or Blanket?: Blanket.

43. Waterbed or regular matress?: Regular.

44. Morning or Night?: Night.

45. Disney or Nick?: Nick.

46. Scary or Comedy?: Either. So long as it's good.

47. Get up early or sleep the day away?: ...why wake up at all?

48. Job or School?: Job. I'd get paid.

49. Phone or Internet?: 'Net.

50. Garlic or French bread?: Garlic.

~!!What time is it?!!~

12:35 in the morning.

~**With or Without**~

Subject: Hamburger

51. Lettuce?: Sure. 2. Mustard?: No. Not after what Jea has done with my mind... 1. Ketchup?: Yeah. 3. Mayo?: Sure. 2. Onions?: Depends. cheese and bacon. No bacon.

Subject: Perfect date

57. Guy/Gal with braces?: ...matters?

58. Candles?: Nice.

59. Food?: ...don't care.

60. Sporty car?: ...don't care.

~**Yes or No**~

61. Live with your parent(s)?: Unfortunately.

62. Want to live with your parents?: No.

63. Have a car?: No.

64. Want a car?: ...not really fond of the concept of driving, actually. Getting places, yes. Me, driving? Fuck no.

65. Would you do the "Survior" show?: Hell, I've got nothing better to do. I don't think I could handle the politics of voting people off, though. I think I'd have to go about making it...really hard to survive.

66. Would you spend some money on your little/older sibling(s) if you had $1000?: Maybe. Depends on whether or not I feel sorry for them.

67. Would you eat earthworms if your life depended on it?: Well. Considering how much I value my own life, no. I might eat them for fun, though...

68. Would you take a bullet for some of your friends?: Yes. **Mutters about plural agreement.**

69. Do you think that your friends would take a bullet for you?: ...**Just laughs.** Maybe some of them.

70. Do you wish you were famous?: It'd depend on what I'm famous for.
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