Contrariwise... if it were so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be but as it isn't it ain't.

Aug 27, 2006 13:32

[[ Jen's better. And I'm oh so sorry for my absence. I guess for a time being I lost all wantings and likings to this roleplay. But that would be a rude, and a not so elegant thing to do. You know, just to walk up and leave.

On another note. As some of you may or may not know. For my birthday, mother and father bought me Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass. Its a compelation novel, so the two stories are composed into one book. In any case, Just yesterday I finished the first book. 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' I understand Wonderland alot more now. And I think, personally, that I can do better in my roleplaying now. If atleast, only a little. I've already read half of 'Through The Looking Glass'. I read it back in 8th grade. Though, ofcourse, I'm going to re-read it for my enjoyment. In any case. I'm writing this up, because I want to tell everyone that they should deffinatly read it ^ ^ ]]

I guess its quite understandable for everyone to be so scared and what not.
But. Enough with sitting around doing nothing. I cant waste time. He may then get mad at me, and I ca'n't have that happen. No. He may make me be stuck at Tea Time then. And although I do enjoy a good tea party, I don't think I'd enjoy to always be stuck at tea time. Though, that is it. I DON'T think. Hm.

I shall go about and see people today.
Maybe the pig baby has grown some since that little girl came?

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