Jun 25, 2009 17:49
I recently picked up a copy of a new game for the Wii called "The Conduit."
I first heard of the game the night before via commercial, and was instantly intrigued. For one, it's nice to see the Wii making and promoting more mature games, there are plenty of games out there for parties and family, and it's time they added some games for the "gamers" to play. Of course, now all those families who have Wiis are going to see these games coming out, and maybe the adults who wouldn't normally buy a gaming system for these games will now buy said games and see what all the fuss is about.
Anyway, I picked it up the day it came out even though I didn't reserve a copy (there are advantages to wearing miniskirts) and had it in my laptop case for the past day. Finally put it into my Wii and played through the first few levels.
I must say, I'm not as impressed as I want to be, but that's mostly because I honestly suck at first person shooters (it's a wonder I like them so much). I'm terrible, and my hands shake something fierce when I try to shake the wiimotes for certain attacks.
The controls are pretty intuitive, or at least they make a good deal of sense. The trigger is shoot, thrusting forward with the wiimote is melee attack and shaking the nunchuck has Mr. Ford fling a grenade with his left hand. Pretty nifty, huh? Problem is, I have a hard time aiming because the screen follows the pointer, so when I do a melee attack, I end up looking all over the place (I may change the camera style to something more static). Also, the 180 turn button is up on the d-pad, which is hard to reach when you're being taken from behind. I think I'll probably switch the zoom-in which is the bottom d-pad so I can turn around easier.
As far as the plot goes, I'm not that far but it starts with a bloody obvious double cross by "Charlie" and, quite frankly, is oversaturated with conspiracy talk and crap. I mean, it should be obvious that it is, given its logo is the eye over the pyramid with a few extra neat circles and the main device you get for intelegence is called the "All Seeing Eye" so... should expect it to be kinda full of it.
That reminds me that I dislike how the + button switches to the ASE instead of pause. Pause is the 2 button, which is harder to press than the up on the d-pad for turning around. I think pausing should be easy to do, in case you need to be able to get a break in mid combat, like if a phone call comes in. Stuff like that.
It's a little difficult to get used to the controls; I'm still working on getting used to them, and once I'm accustomed to them I think they'll work perfectly.
I do need to get a bigger TV, the one I'm playing on is tiny, so I keep wanting to go closer to the screen, which makes aiming harder.
Guess I should save up to buy a nice big flat panel, huh?