Jun 25, 2005 10:29
We won both our games last night, Yay!!!!!!! I was excited, we had two in a row so I think we were just really wound up the second time around. The scores were good, I think the first game was like, 17-12, and the sec was, something in the teens to 4. Hah!! In there face. Sorry, Im happy we did good not that we do bad. But it was cool. Any who we have a final game today I think, I sorta hope so, but not because I don't like it, I love ball. Im just wanting to do other things this summer and its sorta interfering... Sigh.... ah well.
eeeee, guess who called me yesterday when I was at my game...hold your breathe.... Busy.... My g-ma told me some guy called and he is the only one whos has my number....but I don't know If I should call back. Probably not. I've been super buisy lately.... I hav'nt even called my dad back from Monday, but thats only because Im mad at him from skipping out on us when we were wanting to have luch with him for fathers day. If he won't go out of his way for us, why sould we do it for him? It makes me mad. But Monday, Tuesday and Wednsday Im suppose to go over, so I have to call him tonite. Hey, MC if I dont go home with Mandi after SixFlags you wanna go with. Itll get you out of your house and itll be fun!!!! And youll get to see Dale preform. Even better..Dale....JK. But Im gonna call you anyway. We have to talk about things that cant be discused on the net. But I will call you, I promise. BUt first I have to call mandi to see if Im stayin the nite or not, If not I want you to come I have a free friend pass. All you would have to pay for is food, and you dont eat much anyway...LOL sorry.
Well gota go,