(no subject)

May 01, 2005 20:13

So I turn 21 tomarrow. I leave for Vegas at 2:00. Very exciting.

Tomarrow I will be legally able to do all the things I have been doing for years.

I suppose your birthday should always be a time for reflection, however I do not know if that counts for your 21st seeing that for most of it your going to be to drunk to remember. So I guess I'll reflet before hand.... In the past year I have...

Gotten my licence
Gotten my first car
Changed Schools
Moved out of Nancies and Davids.. (the last place that really felt like home)
Lived with my boyfriend
been hired (3)
fired (1)
and quit (2)
went to Disneyland (to many times)
Went to L.A.
Moved in with friends
broke my hand
moved out
lived with my boyfriend
and now .. VEGAS

it sure has been a year.

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