Aug 21, 2006 16:27
I have been haunting Tim Pratt's journal ever since I emailed him about his book The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl and he actually emailed me back. I think I posted the blog about that on myspace so there is a gap of information for those who don't use myspace. Pratt posts links to writing guides and other useful information so my "stalking" of him is less stalking but more of a gathering of information and useful links in hope that I'll learn something. Through him I have found links to 2 other writers' livejournals who I have added to my friends list. This concerns me a little b/c if for some reason they add me back and out of curiousity stop by to see who this unknown person who tracked them down is, I might feel pressured to actually attempt to type, use proper grammer, correct spelling and not go off on my usual pissy/sad rants. Bummer.