Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Mar 14, 2006 00:23

Title: Last Stand
Summary: Jayne and Kaylee face Reavers.
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 593
Rating/Warnings: R, violence, character death
Pairing: slight Jayne/Kaylee
A/N: For 30_kisses. I say I don't write character death because it makes me uncomfortable, but actually, it's because I'm not any good at it. Oh well.

They pushed Simon’s body into a garbage chute. It wasn’t much, but at least it was some sort of protection. Jayne took stock in his mind: Mal and River were on the ship; Zoe was dead; he was pretty sure Inara got the shuttle off before they got to her. He motioned to Kaylee to be quiet as he looked out from the room they’d been hiding in.

The hallway was deathly silent. That was a blessing; Reavers weren’t known for their stealth.

Kaylee was shaking. The crying had stopped, but she was still hugging her knees and shuddering every few minutes. Jayne’s heart tore a little more every time he looked at her. He paced, thinking.

The way Jayne saw it, there were only two options left. One, they could stay here until the Reavers found them. The door was locked, so they might leave them be, but that was highly unlikely. Two, they could leave. Jayne had studied the layout of the building before the whole mess began; if they could only get to the elevator to the top of the building, it was only a few yards to the door to the roof.

He helped the unresisting girl to her feet. “C’mon, lil Kaylee,” he said, holding her close. “All I need you to do is follow me. Count on me, Kaylee girl.” He kissed her on the top of the head and led her outside.

When they reached the end of the hallway, Jayne held Kaylee back and looked around the corner. There were six or seven of them, but he could see the elevator. It was probably hopeless, but they had to try.

He took Kaylee by the hand and looked her in the eyes. “Just run,” he told her. She nodded mutely.

Jayne took off, clinging to Kaylee the best he could. He shot two of them, but more of them came out of the hallway branching to his left. Jayne tried not to think; he was halfway pulling Kaylee and trying to beat the Reavers back as best he could.

The elevator doors were mercifully open, and Jayne dashed inside. He pulled his arm forward, trying to sling Kaylee into the elevator.

The worst of Jayne’s fears was realized when Kaylee’s small hand slipped from his.

Two of them were holding her. He couldn’t think; he wouldn’t let himself. Jayne brought his gun up and kissed it on the barrel. He didn’t feel himself shoot, but a bullet hit Kaylee right between the eyes. The Reaver that was holding her let go abruptly. Jayne let out a choking sigh of relief as he pounded the door close button.

He slumped against the wall of the elevator, completely unmanned.

Truth be told, he’d never liked the doc much, and he wasn’t exactly sad he was gone. Zoe he was plenty tore up about, but she never was right after Wash died. He hadn’t written to his parents in months- couldn’t, lest he bring the Alliance down on them. It was Kaylee he’d talked to when he missed them. Kaylee was the one who brought him dinner when he was laid up. Kaylee had always been there when he needed somebody, whether Simon liked it or not. Kaylee had become home to him. And when she had needed him most, he had failed.

Mal wouldn’t miss him too much. Inara wouldn’t miss him at all. And River, River would understand.

There were Reavers on the top floor, but it didn’t matter. Jayne was dead before the doors opened.

fic, thirty_firefly_kisses

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