How much do I not want to study? I submit that it cannot be measured. So, meme.
1. My username is ___ because ___.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
1. My username is sabinelagrande because... sabine was taken? Sabine was the name I took in high school French after a punk bitch took my original name (Virginie). "La grande" means "the great" or "the tall"- I realized the hilarity in this whilst at Napoleon Le Grande's tomb. Since I've always been obsessed both with noms de plume and being taller, I took Sabine LaGrande as a penname. Wasn't feeling creative when I made the journal, so I went with it.
2. My journal is titled "Rampant Scribblings" because that's what I do. I feverishly write things, then post them. That's about the sum of it. I think it was stolen from Xan, originally.
3. My subtitle is "Whenever I hear anyone talk of culture, I reach for my revolver." because I've been studying too hard (it's a quote from Goering). Quite ironic, and I like it. It has changed several times in the past few days, from "The spiders! They want me to tap dance!" (PoA movie) to "She's so good looking when she looks like a man" (Polythene Pam) to "You can't fight in here! This is the war room!" (Dr. Strangelove) to this.
4. My friends page is called "In other words" because I'm just really not very creative.
5. My default userpic is
because Anthony Rapp is a sexy, sexy man. I made it, and I'm slightly vain, cause it's real pretty.