Here is a thing that is a thing

Jan 11, 2014 00:57

So here's this meme what I stole from
mific, because it looks hella fun:

resonant said: I went to a conference this fall where instead of saying, "Hello, my name is ..." the name tags said, "Ask me about ..."

I loved that. It was a sustainability conference and that narrowed the options a bit, but there was still a surprising variety. "Ask me about organic eggs." "Ask me about green alleys." "Ask me about saving electricity."

We have a huge range of knowledge and talent here. We pretty much know who can draw and write and pod and vid, but if some of you are experts on octopus intelligence or making eclairs or the works of Jane Austen, I would never know it. I wish we had those name tags here.

So here are my ask me about nametags, and you should proceed to make your own, and we will all know so many things we did not know by the end.

Ask me about...

Making charts for counted cross-stitch

Writing dialogue without making it sound like it came from pod people

Pre-Columbian sacrifice in the Maya area (spoiler alert: it's bullshit)

Tips for attending a (large) con, including costuming, spending, and drinking

Death Valley National Park or Lava Beds National Monument

Richard III (the play and/or the 1995 movie)

Public dungeons and the activities taking place therein

The commodification and reclamation of Southern (US) culture

The concept of language, including uses of the word dialect, why you should never ask a linguist how many languages they speak, and why language and Language are different things

Dedication, or why Sabine quit music and grad school

Your turn! Ask me about these many things, or make your own lists of many things.

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