Here's a meme, I am not dead

Aug 18, 2013 22:00

Assassins Anonymous is finished! So here is a meme in celebration:

Account created: 2009-12-14
Total stories: 635

Total wordcount: 1081662
Average (mean) wordcount: 1703
Longest story: Nice Place to Visit (42969)
Shortest story: The Expanded Version (94)

Total kudos: 30004
Kudos per story (mean): 47
Story with most kudos:
-cowritten: The Stark Guide to Mission Reports (1127)
-solo: Enough To Go Around (905)

Total comment threads: 2158
Comments threads per story: 3
Story with most comment threads: Marvel One-Shots (90)

Total author subscriptions: 345
Total story subscriptions: 537
Story with most subscriptions: like the ceiling can't hold us (100)

Total bookmarks: 5096
Story with most bookmarks: Enough To Go Around (373)

Stories with no comments or kudos: ahahaha 44. You have to understand, I imported seven years of fic before I started actually using my account. So. All these numbers are really skewed.

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