Fic: Blow the Man Down

Apr 04, 2013 00:42

Title: Blow the Man Down
Summary: Tony Stark. A boat full of women. What could possibly go wrong?
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel 616, Ultimate Spider-Man (cartoon)
Word Count: 11352 words
Rating/Contents: Explicit, romance novel ridiculousness, deliberate historical inaccuracy
Pairing: Tony/Pepper, Maria/Natasha, Kate/Ava
Policies: Read my archiving, feedback, and warnings policies here.
A/N: For unconventionalcourtship. Many thanks to my betas, bendingwind and shadowenangel! Based on the summary of The Captain’s Kidnapped Beauty by Mary Nichols.
Rescue from an unlikely source!

Abducted and taken aboard a merchant ship bound for India, Anthony Stark desperately searches for ways to escape. The heir certainly doesn’t expect rescue from the most unlikely of sources-Captain Virginia Potts, a woman with whom he has crossed swords in the past.

Pepper isn’t sure what to make of Tony’s claim to have been kidnapped-she wouldn’t put it past this spirited man to have cooked up the whole thing to avoid his father’s matchmaking. But in the confines of the ship this confirmed female bachelor unexpectedly finds Tony getting under her skin…again!

This entry is too long for LJ, because that is how LJ rolls, so please to read it at DW or at the AO3.

marvel, fic, het, femmeslash, avengers, iron_man

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