Title: Green
Summary: "All the little pains of living... were gone."
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Word Count: 224
Rating/Warnings: PG, RFBII Spoilers
Pairing: Spike/Faye, Jet/Faye
A/N: Woot, I am 1/3 through at
30_kisses! Last fic for a month. Oh noes!
All the little pains of living, the pinch in her neck, a phantom cramp in her foot, were gone, and she was floating.
The expanse around her was green and vast, with no horizon. She held her arms out, cruciform, and she was landing.
And then she saw him. He was sauntering over to her, perfectly at ease, cigarette dangling from his lip. The feeling of peace didn’t leave her; she couldn’t even feel the pain in her heart.
“You left me,” she said. Her voice held no malice.
“I was already gone,” he said, smirking. “You knew that, but you never listened.”
“You never talked.”
The cherry on the cigarette flared as he sucked in. “Well, now, it’s just you and me.” He reached down and took her hand. Her body offered no resistance as she rose to meet him.
He stared hard into her eyes, just like he had on the day he left her, but it didn’t scare her anymore. His hand tangled in her hair, and he leaned in slowly.
She woke up crying. Jet started. He pulled her closer with his mechanical arm and kissed her forehead softly.
“It’s only a dream, Faye,” he said, voice gruff with sleep. “It’s just you and me.”
He held her until her sobs died away and her breathing calmed against his chest.