Title: Tape One, Take One
Summary: Stark Method Meditation: Tony Stark's newest experiment.
Fandom: Avengers
Length: 4:26 min., ~500 words
Rating/Contents: R, LOTS of swearing, yelling, extreme silliness
Pairing: Tony/Bruce, Clint/Coulson
Policies: Read my archiving, feedback, and warnings policies
A/N: For
kink_bingo (subspace/headspace)! So I was going to do this very meditative Bruce thing, and, uh, this happened instead. This story is NOT intended to be read; it is intended to be listened to. However, if you should for some reason want the script, it is
here. Download here at MediaFireDownload here at sendspaceStream at Soundcloud This entry was automagically crossposted from
comments over there.