While waiting for Kink Bingo today

Jul 01, 2012 17:21

I made my first fanvid!

(password: atlantis)

1:13 minutes, download available through Vimeo (29.53 mb), gen, from a decidedly Tau'ri perspective, that turned John-centric because everything is John-centric in my head. Warnings for canonical character death and violence.

If the code doesn't work, try this link: Down By the Sea
It is also available here on the tumblr, for your reblogging purposes, and here on mediafire and here on sendspace for your alternate downloading purposes.


It was just after sunrise and down by the sea
Down on the sandflats where nothing will grow
Come drumming and footsteps like out of a dream
Where the golden green waters come in

Just nine lucky soldiers had come through the night
Half of them wounded and barely alive
Just nine out of twenty was a-headed for home
With eleven sad stories to tell

I remember quite clearly when I got out of bed
I said, "Oh, good morning, what a beautiful day."

Where do people even post fanvids? I've never done this kind of thing before. Poss. it is terrible, but it's been stuck in my head for approximately a billionty years, and it does my heart good to see it.

This entry was automagically crossposted from http://sabinetzin.dreamwidth.org/417803.html.
comments over there.

sga, viddery, gen

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