Achievement Unlocked: Meme!

May 14, 2012 08:53

So I did the 15 14 characters meme, and I actually finished answering the questions!

Dramatis personae:

1. Tony Stark
2. Raven Darkholme
3. John Sheppard
4. Phoenix Wright
5. Tory Belleci
6. Clint Barton
7. Kerr Avon
8. Natasha Romanov
9. Pepper Potts
10. Rodney McKay
11. Miles Edgeworth
12. Adam Savage
13. Phil Coulson
14. Charles Xavier

It was already going to be a mess.


4 (Phoenix Wright) and 11 (Miles Edgeworth) are in the same master's program, both as 2's (Raven Darkholme's) students. What is it, and what drives them nuts about sharing the same advisor?

Well, obviously they compete all the time for funding, resources, and attention, and Phoenix consistently wins, even though Miles is ahead of him. It doesn't help either that Professor Darkholme DEFINITELY pits them against each other. But in the end, they learn to cooperate as they TA together, working against a common enemy: the undergrads.


1 (Tony Stark). 2 (Raven Darkholme) and 7 (Kerr Avon) go on an extended vacation where they run into 3 (John Sheppard) and 5 (Tory Belleci). Where are they at and who buys the rounds of drinks at the bar?

Tony, Raven, and Avon are down in Belize, I'm pretty sure; they'd be somewhere more expensive, but Raven and Avon are clearly on the run from something. John and Tory are travelling buddies from way back- they bummed around Europe together for a summer, gleefully wasting John's father's money. I think they would all get on pretty well, except Avon. Avon doesn't get on well with anyone. It's one of his charming quirks.

Nobody pays for drinks. Tony buys the bar. Not in the figurative rapper sense; he literally buys the building.

(I did not realize until now that 1. was the question number and not a person; answer stands.)

2. 12 (Adam Savage) is in love with 4 (Phoenix Wright), how does 12 propose and does 4 says yes?

Adam Savage, of course, does it with a Rube Goldberg machine that spells out WILL - YOU - MARRY - ME one word at a time. He rehearses over and over- because he only gets one shot at this, you see- until he finally brings Phoenix in to see it. And Phoenix is, of course, completely shocked and flabbergasted, but Adam hasn't even considered the possibility of him saying no- which is fine, because Phoenix, of course, says yes.

3. 10 (Rodney McKay) secretly write Harry Potter fanfic about 11 (Miles Edgeworth), 1 (Tony Stark) and 9 (Pepper Potts). Which houses do they get put into and why?

Tony and Pepper are Gryffindors, obviously, though Rodney might well put Tony in Ravenclaw with himself (Rodney is, of course, a Gryffindor, but I don't think he'd cop to that). Miles is a Slytherin, obviously, bless his heart and soul, though Rodney might write a long redemption fic about him.

Also he writes a lot of self-insert him/Pepper stories.


7 (Kerr Avon) and 12 (Adam Savage) attempt to bake cupcakes together. Which recipe do they choose, did 2 (Raven Darkholme) buy all the necessary ingredients, do they succeed, and does 3 (John Sheppard) eat any?

I feel like Raven bought the ingredients she thought were important, which is to say, no. They get it together, though, with a lot of substitutions and yelling. John is one of those people who's like, oh, no, I couldn't, and then eats all of them. So yes. They are made and consumed, despite Raven's best efforts.

1 (Tony Stark), 10 (Rodney McKay), 8 (Natasha Romanov), and 5 (Tory Belleci) play poker together. What are the stakes, and who wins?

OH GOD. Tory steps out pretty quickly, because he's got a brain in his head. It escalates incredibly quickly; I'm not a hundred percent sure what they're playing for, because it can't be money- that'd be no contest. Maybe it's like, trade secrets, which is why Tory gets beat. And Rodney bets more than he has, because Tony keeps baiting him, but at the very last second he makes a Hail Mary play and knocks Natasha out. Then Tony is just like, show you my R&D if you let me win and Rodney is like DONE. So that's how that ends.

4 (Phoenix Wright) and 11 (Miles Edgeworth) are trapped on a space station. They can configure the food materializer only once, and they will have to live on those two flavors for a long time. Which flavors do they choose?

This is an INCREDIBLE fight, with intense lobbying on both sides, but I think eventually it ends up with steak and black tea.

This gets old VERY quickly.

6 (Clint Barton) believes 13 (Phil Coulson) is their soulmate. How did they come to that conclusion, and how does 13 react?


It takes Clint a long while to get attached, but once he realizes, he latches on post-haste. It's just because Phil is... Phil. He genuinely cares about Clint, in a way that goes past just being a handler; he keeps Clint on a short leash, but only ever in a productive way, and sometimes when Clint feels messed up he lets Clint nest underneath his desk and doesn't ask any questions.

I think Phil is surprised; he already knew something was up, but he wasn't sure whether Clint was going to act on it. He makes some frowny faces about workplace relationships, etc, but they both know he doesn't ACTUALLY mean it, because soulmates, duh.

And then they done sex.

9 (Pepper Potts) and 14 (Charles Xavier) are long-lost siblings. How do they react to the news, and who are the parents?

I think they're both shocked by the news, but they act like they aren't, because they're Pepper and Charles. So they handle it very maturely and quietly freak out. I'm pretty sure Charles's mother is their mother, but I'm not sure who their father is. IDK. Steve Rogers.


14 (Charles Xavier) and 1 (Tony Stark) are in a relationship. Why do they want to keep it a secret?

It's a complex situation, is why they want to keep it a secret. They're both very wealthy people who are, for lack of a better word, superheroes, but their organizations don't always agree. The difference in their ages is also something that they don't quite want to deal with- though Tony makes jokes aaaaaaaaaaall the time.

Also Scarlet Witch would probably DFO.if she knew. It is not good when Scarlet Witch DFOs.

13 (Phil Coulson), 2 (Raven Darkholme) and 12 (Adam Savage) are subjected to gamma radiation while in space. Naturally they all gain superpowers from it. What powers do they get, and do they decide to use these powers for good or evil?

Adam gets, like, the power to fire explosions from his hands, and he is ELATED by this. He uses it for education, of course, in order to teach children about gamma radiation, space travel, and incendiary devices. Phil gets Wolverine-style regeneration capabilities, and of course he uses them as much as possible in the furtherance of good.

Raven, well. Raven is just Raven, only more so, and she uses her powers in the name of moral ambiguity, just as always.

11 (Miles Edgeworth) falls desperately in love with 3 (John Sheppard). Why?

In my long-established headcanon, this is because John looks like an older Phoenix. It is v. sad, and I already wrote a story about it, but it was just substitution porn. But eventually I think Miles sees past it to John himself- he's got a thing for slightly doofy guys, as has been established.

10 (Rodney McKay), 4 (Phoenix Wright), 9 (Pepper Potts), and 5 (Tory Belleci) are all on Project Runway. How long do they last?

So Phoenix is gone, like, second elimination round, because he can't tell a seam from a serger. Everything he makes is a catastrophe. Rodney gets about halfway through; his constructions are technically magnificent when they're not kludged together at the last second, but they lack a certain soul.

Pepper and Tory make it to the final round. Pepper's designs are flawless, clean lines, controlled use of color but still standing out. However, Tory wins; his attention to detail, combined with his flair for the daring, wins him the prize.

This question is my favorite, btw.

Aliens make 8 (Natasha Romanov), 6 (Clint Barton) and 7 (Kerr Avon) do it. How do they deal with it?

Jesus God almighty. They only BARELY make it out alive; Avon proceeds to try to kill both of them so word can't get out, but Natasha's faster than him. Clint is just like, baby I do not know fuck about shit and we are never coming back to Budapest ever.


3 (John Sheppard) is having the crappiest day. What happened, and how does 6 (Clint Barton) try (successfully or not) to fix things?

Clint knows from bad days; he's also very successful at dealing with people like John. So he gets him a beer, and he rubs his shoulders, and he doesn't try to make John talk about it, and maybe he gives him a nice soothing blowjob. It ends well.

1 (Tony Stark), 4 (Phoenix Wright), and 5 (Tory Belleci) work at the carnival. Why are they there, what are their roles, and what's the property damage?

Tony Stark is the ringmaster, for obvious reasons, because one day he was like, lol I'mma buy a circus. Phoenix Wright is the terrible weight-guesser who's just trying to pay his way through law school, and Tory is the fire-eater who ran away to join the circus when he was a kid.

The property damage is ENORMOUS.

What does 9 (Pepper Potts) think of 12's (Adam Savage's) tumblr?

Pepper doesn't have enough time to read tumblr, but what she sees, she likes. He's a little... overwhelming, but his design sense is good and she approves of his goals. She's got a taste for dudes who do science, after all.

7 (Kerr Avon) and 13 (Phil Coulson) get stuck in a serious of escalating dares/bets, with 11 (Miles Edgeworth) as the arbiter. Go.

Miles is, of course, a great arbiter, which is the only part of this that is not a fucking catastrophe. Jesus H. Christ. Nothing about this is not terrifying. Planets might get destroyed. Phil wouldn't want to until Avon finally goaded him into it- Avon could goad anybody into doing anything. And then it would be ON.

I do not like to contemplate it.

8 (Natasha Romanov), 10 (Rodney McKay), and 14 (Charles Xavier) all find themselves in the same emergency room at the same time. What for?

It's got to be superhero-related, and I suspect it involves the X-Men and/or the Avengers. It's entirely possible that the Avengers and X-Men have to come together to help defend Atlantis while it sits in San Francisco. And they're all doing ridic things- Natasha and Rodney get trapped under a beam, and Charles is having to do something sciency with his own skills and reading Rodney's mind at the same time. He's in the emergency room because it zaps him, but they save the day.

IDK, maybe it's a Sentinel event.


2 (Raven Darkholme) and 3 (John Sheppard) are in detention together. What's it like?

Oh god, the hijinx. They're both well known for their love of sticking it to the man, so Raven would be copying the proctor behind hir back and making faces and imitating John saying terrible things. John would get a huge kick out of it.

6 (Clint Barton) and 10 (Rodney McKay) are roommates - what habit of the other drives each of them craziest?

Rodney talks aaaaaaall the time. He talks to himself when he's working, he talks to Clint whether or not Clint is paying attention, he talks on the phone at all hours. Clint really wants to wear earplugs some days, and he's so happy when Rodney is gone.

Clint nests. All his things are in the top bunk, and sometimes stuff either migrates up there that belongs to Rodney or falls off in the middle of the night and wakes Rodney up. It is highly annoying.

They do not last very long as roommates.

1 (Tony Stark) and 7 (Kerr Avon) are set up on a blind date. How does it go?

My god almighty. Tony sweeps in like, y'know, Tony, and Avon is instantly interested, in an "in what ways can I bait this person" kind of way. The snark of this date is a thing that will be sung through the ages. I think they might even make it to a second date, but probably not past that. Avon's just not fun enough.


Three (John Sheppard) wakes up in an ancient past that never was, with gods, magic, and all the mythical monsters. Twelve (Adam Savage) is the member of the local pantheon that finds Three first. What happens?

John, of course, is totally nonchalant yet annoyed about the whole thing, because, gods, magic, monsters, that's like, Tuesday. He likes Adam though, because Adam is really excited and thinks it's totally epic that he's got a human here to hang out with (and study). And the two of them are good at holding their own against the rest of the gods and keeping them from jacking John up in some way.


3 (John Sheppard), 8 (Natasha Romanov) and 12 (Adam Savage) go on a road trip: which tacky roadside attraction do they visit on the way?

Adam wants to stop at EVERY tacky roadside attraction they pass, and of course Natasha doesn't want to stop at ANY of them. John sleeps most of the time, so his opinion is not counted. So they end up at Casey Jones Village, a place that is tacky yet useful, in terms of food and gas.

Unbelievably tacky.


6 (Clint Barton) and 9 (Pepper Potts) have to work together in order to find and/or rescue 1 (Tony Stark), who's gone missing. Do they get along,and do they manage to accomplish the mission?

I think for the most part, they do get along. Clint does crack some jokes at the wrong time, but he realizes it, because he's that kind of guy, and he apologizes to Pepper and everything is okay. With some assistance from Natasha and Happy, they manage to accomplish the mission, and Tony is rescued and everyone is content again.

Whew. Now THOSE were some questions.

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