So last night, I'm sitting around writing, and I notice my period has started.
Two things:
1. As I told my friend the other day, seeing as how it's been so long since I had sex and I've had several blood pregnancy tests since then, I'm always hoping this is the month that it just... stops, and I don't have to deal with it anymore. Like, I'm 26, I'm not expecting menopause, I just want it to stop of its own volition. Of my volition. W/e. V. disappointed this was not the case.
2. But my first thought was, "So THAT'S why I wanted Michael Fassbender to wreck me last night."
My body, she is so predictable. I don't even like Michael Fassbender.
2. One-eighty: Any suggestions about getting burned-on stuff out of a frying pan? Regular-ass frying pan, not nonstick or anything. I've soaked it, scrubbed it with a stiff brush, used steel wool, getting very little. Soaking it again now, because I am NOT going to throw this pan out, because it is vintage Revereware and I am NOT breaking up my set.
3. I am the worst today. Supposed to go out, ended up sitting at home drinking boxed wine (in my defense, it's the classy boxed wine) and looking at tumblr. Oh tumblr, there's a reason I stopped using you. Granted, that reason was because I hate spoilers, but there are also many other reasons not to look at you.
Anyway. Back to tumblr. Possibly a little writing. Trying to get this thing done by the end of Porn Battle, because if I don't I think we all know it's never going to get finished.
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