Fic: Play in Three Acts, Chapter 2: Raven

Jan 06, 2012 21:48

Title: Play in Three Acts, Chapter 2: Raven
Summary: Take two and call me in the morning.
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Word Count: 1670
Rating/Contents: NC-17, sexy (mis)use of mutant abilities
Pairing: Charles/Erik/Raven
Policies: Read my archiving, feedback, and warnings policies here.
A/N: Let me check- yup, still
cesare's fault. But there is only one more bit. Somewhere along the way here I got REAL interested in Charles and Raven fucking Erik's shit up. There is no bad here.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 3

At some point in all this, Erik is aware, he became the player and not the judge, but as Charles and Raven ready for round two, he's finding it hard to care about that. He's ready this time; he's really going to figure this one out.

Or, at least, have a hell of a good time trying.

Raven walks behind the screen, and Charles sits down in the chair, laying his fingers on his temple; two Ravens walk out, dressed identically- that's not hard, considering they're both wearing nothing.

"Ground rules?" Erik says.

"Of course, Charles will be using his powers the entire time," one of them says.

"But he won't give any hints, not intentionally," the other adds.

"Does Raven-" Erik stops, waving his hand at the two of them. "Do you get to use your powers?"

They look at each other, and both of them flicker to blue. "If we feel like it," one of them says, shrugging.

"The only one who's not allowed is you," Charles tells him.

Erik looks at them, confused. "What difference would that make?"

"You might be able to tell," one of the Ravens says. "One of us doesn't have any trace metals in her body."

"I never thought about that before," Erik admits.

"We don't have any fillings, so it won't be that obvious," one of them assures him.

"Shall we?" the other one says.

"Let's," she replies, pulling her in and kissing her.

Oh, they are not playing fair at all.

The sight in front of him is- well, there aren't appropriate words for how stunning it is. The illusion is, of course, flawless, but Erik's appreciation for the level of skill displayed is really secondary to his appreciation of two gorgeous, identical women making out in front of him.


Two gorgeous, identical, naked women.

They act like they've sort of forgotten he's there; one of them is sliding her hand down the other one's body, in between her legs, and she gasps at the feeling of soft fingers probing her, dipping inside to where she's already wet, and-

Erik clears his throat.

They look at him. "Do you mind?" one of them says.

He raises his eyebrow. "Yes."

She rolls her eyes, but she walks over to the bed, climbing up onto it. Erik looks past her for a moment, looking at Charles; he's giving absolutely nothing away, sitting with his elbows on his knees and his fingers on his temple, concentrating intently.

She grabs his face, turning it back so he has to look at her. "Hey."

"What?" he says innocently.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," she says. She throws a leg over his hips, getting on top of him; she takes his cock into her hand, running it along herself, where she's wet and ready. "Unless you don't want this."

"What man?" Erik says. "What curtain?"

"Good answer," she says, pushing down around him. Erik is finding it a little hard to get into the spirit of the competition right at the moment, because it feels so fucking good that he's not really sure he cares who it's coming from; whoever it is, they're very, very skilled at it.

He almost doesn't notice when the other Raven slips onto the bed beside him, lying on her stomach. "Hello," she says, in that playful way she sometimes has; she leans over, kissing him, cupping his face in her hand.

"And what do you want?" he says, tracing her spine with his fingertips.

Her eyes are full of mischief. "I'll show you," she says, pushing herself up; wasting no time at all, she straddles his head, facing so she can get her hands on the other Raven.

"Hold on, hold on," Erik says, reaching up and spreading her with his fingers so he can get a good look at her; he's already fighting an uphill battle, here, but at least this is an opportunity to see if she's a copy. But, no, if she's a copy, she's indistinguishable from the real thing. She's still soft and wet, the blue of her skin darkening to purple in just the right places. He slides his fingers inside, and that's right too, hot and slick, drawing out the right little groan when he does it.

"Hurry up," she says, and that's just like her too, greedy and fast.

"Come here," he tells her, pulling her a little closer so he can get his mouth onto her. She tastes just right, too, but it's getting hard to concentrate on the finer details of cunnilingus when the woman he's got his dick in decides that she needs him harder, deeper, faster. He moans against Raven's cunt, working his hips up so he can get more of the other one; that just makes her- one of them, it's getting really confusing, when he's got Ravens all over him- grind down against his face. He presses his tongue up against her, licking her, sucking at her, sliding his tongue inside, doing pretty much anything that makes her make the best sounds, which he figures is sort of the secret to it.

They're really doing their very best to fuck him up, making him work for it. He's working his hips and his mouth and thank god all of it's distracting him from how badly he needs to come, or else this would have been over long ago. One of them is crying out, and for the life of him he can't tell which one, not until there's a rush of wetness on his face; suddenly he's looking at the ceiling, then at Raven's face again. She's kissing him, over and over, licking her own taste out of his mouth. The other one is yelling, going wild, and the instant she comes Erik loses it completely.

When he can muster up a brain cell or two, he looks blearily at the two of them; one of them is sitting right up next to him, against the headboard, smiling fondly, while the other is laid out further down, grinning.

"So," the one next to him says. "What's your pick?"

Erik really hasn't got the slightest clue; he's going to have to use psychology to get himself out of this one. He's very tempted to say that the one he's been fucking is the real one, but Erik got screwed- in more ways than one, as it happens- by that last time. Still, it holds up; Raven's power is really nothing like Charles's at all. For Charles to simulate Raven's body out of whole cloth is a very different proposition than Raven changing her body to simulate Charles's- there's actually a body there to work with. Surely the easier illusion would be to only have to simulate the outside of her body.

Unless, of course, that's what they want him to think. And that line of reasoning doesn't take into account Charles's insane competitive streak; surely he'd just have to one-up Raven.

"The one who-" he says, looking for words. "This one," he says, grabbing the nearer one by the wrist.

He's startled when his hand closes around nothing.

"You," Charles says from his chair, grinning, "are really very bad at this."

"Goddammit," Erik says, sighing; when he puts his hand to his face, there's nothing on it, no trace of what he'd been- not been- doing. "I had that one."

"Never change your answer," Charles counsels. "It only leads to trouble."

Erik puts his arm over his eyes.

"Since I won," Charles says, unzipping his trousers, "I at least deserve for someone to come over here and help me with this."

Erik makes a vain attempt to move, but Raven lays a hand on his arm, grinning. "Oh, no, don't get up."

She saunters over, and Charles puts his arms out; he gets a lap full of Raven for his troubles. "Mmm," he says, his face against her neck. "My lovely sister."

He knows he's going to get hit, and he flinches away when she does it. "It's so fucking creepy when you say that."

He kisses her in apology, little kisses leading from her neck downwards. "You know I only say it to get a rise out of you," he says. "And since you never fail to get a rise out of me-"

"God, Charles, shut up," she says, but the words fall into a gasp as he takes her nipple between his lips.

«You know that won't stop me,» he thinks, loud enough that Erik can hear him. He cuts his eyes over, looking at Erik's face. "Get up and turn around, darling," Charles says, kissing her skin. "Poor Erik can't see."

She shifts around, straddling him, and he guides himself up into her; she lets out a satisfied groan, starting to ride him. He slides his hands over her stomach, one up toward her chest, over the sensitive lower curve of her breast and up to toy with her nipple, the other one down to rub at her clit. He holds her close, thrusting up into her, her whole body moving against his.

He's pressing kisses all over her neck, her spine, and her head falls back onto his shoulder as she comes, moaning softly. He bites at her throat, moving faster, clutching at her, and she's saying his name, over and over again. Erik can't stop watching, amazed by how fucking hot it is, how effortless it is between them.

When Charles says they've been practicing, he really means it.

Charles finally comes, thrusting up hard, groaning low in his throat. Raven turns her face towards his, slipping her hand into his hair, and they kiss languidly, satisfied.

"Get up and get over here," Erik growls, because he is past ready to go again; this has become sort of a chain reaction, but Erik doesn't care if it lasts all night.

Charles shakes his head. "You get over here."

"Majority rules," Raven says.

Erik sighs in frustration.

But he goes.

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marvel, threesome = very yes, fic, het, slash, femmeslash

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