When I was a kid, I wanted to be Storm.
Other superheroes and heroines, whatever. Storm's the best. Storm is in control. You better not piss her off, because she'll fuck your shit right up, but most of the time, she's classy. You know why Charles Xavier leads the X-Men? Because Storm lets him. Storm was my hero and role model. I wanted elemental powers so badly, you have no idea, you guys. That weather control shit was right up my alley.
A lot of arguments for increased presence of characters of color as good guys in popular culture is based on the premise that children of color need role models that they can relate to, ones who look like them. But you know what? I'm white. And you know who needed a strong black female role model? I did. We all fucking do. We as adults still do.
And that's why X-Men, despite its issues, which are as numerous as, well, its issues, gets thumbs up from me. There's something all of us can relate to there; more than that, we can relate to each other through it.
But if you're watching X-Men: First Class? Not so much.
The race issues in this movie are so blatant that it sounds cartoonish: out of the two characters of color, one dies and one turns evil, having not been exactly a model citizen to begin with. Period.
This is about creator choice. The creators made Darwin, and then they chose to kill him- and I'm sorry- no, wait, I'm not sorry- but dying valiantly is still dying. They made Angel, and they chose to turn her. We're not reporting on something that happened here, this is fucking X-Men. This didn't have to happen.
And I can't be proud of this movie. I can't say, "Oh yeah, X-Men, everybody gets their chance in X-Men," because they don't. If you're not white, you can be evil or dead.
Sorry, guys.
I'm just really tired of it, you know? I'm tired of people of color not getting to shine in mainstream, big budget movies, especially when their exclusion is completely avoidable. I'm tired of having to watch things with one eye closed. I am tired of people being dicks to each other.
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