1. Re: the book dilemma: I forgot I had bought Soon I Will Be Invincible, which, while still pretty serious, was just what the doctor ordered. I've only read the first four chapters (no spoilers plz), but it's quite good so far.
A meme what I stole from toft:
1) List five things you can see without moving.
My x-ray from when I broke my foot. I keep it around because you can see the pins that they put in, and it makes me look like Wolverine.
My Stargate mirror.
An awesome print I got at Comic-Con.
My map of Lava Beds.
The little stuffed vulture which has traveled around with me since Death Valley and now resides on my desk.
2) How do you style your hair?
I let it do its own thing. If I leave it alone, it'll curl nicely, so I just do that.
3) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
The dictionary, totally, though I really don't use either of them that often.
4) Who killed Nanna Birk Larssen?
IDK. Who killed Laura Palmer?
5) What are you wearing right now?
My We Can Do It! gamer remix Woot shirt, my glasses, my tattoos, and a pair of Marvel superhero boxers.
What do you want from me? I just woke up.
6) What's one gluttonous thing you like doing?
I love ranch dressing. I can't help it. It's the way I was raised.
7) What are you thinking about right now?
This dude I'm messaging on OKCupid. He's pretty neat. So far we've talked about hippies, Frolicon, hetero lifemates, and cabinet doors.
8) Dog person or cat person?
I'm fond of both, but I'm definitely a cat person.
9) Write the first word that comes to mind.
10) Would you be horrified if your partner/family/friends saw your browser history?
No, because I browse incognito when I have something to hide. Booyah.
11) A project you want to finish?
Oh my god I have a billion things to do. Right now I want to finish this paper on Brazilian protest music.
12) What are you doing this weekend?
Well, yesterday was quite productive; I got up and wrote some fic, then I read some articles and outlined a paper, then I got some frozen yogurt and some tea and then drove all over town looking for Cadbury Mini Eggs (to no avail, but I bought a bunch of other candies in retaliation), then I came back and wrote the first couple pages of the paper. Today, IDK. Like I said, I just got up.
13) How are you? Truly?
I'm alright. I wish I was a little further along on these papers, and I wish I could get a little better read on this dude I'm messaging.
14) What did you do today?
Dude, quit asking me. You're making me feel bad for having gotten up at one.
15) What are you looking forward to the most?
I would say the semester being over, but all that's gonna mean is having to start reading for comps. So, probably going to meet my new play partner this weekend.
This is in the proximal future, you understand. What I'm looking forward to most in life is getting my thrice damned PhD.
16) Last thing you did?
Tried to figure out if I'm supposed to have gotten a registration link from Univ. of Colorado yet for the summer.
17) What are you doing tomorrow?
Working on these papers. Hopefully I can get them knocked out tomorrow and move on with my life.
18) What is your dream occupation?
I want to have a panel at Dragon*Con. I don't care why.
19) What is your favourite kind of pie?
I'm torn. I like apple, because I'm a traditionalist, but that can be easily moved aside for a really nice marionberry or blackberry pie. However, those are harder to come by.
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