Happy 10/10/10!

Oct 10, 2010 15:23

So, I was looking for something special to do for 10/10/10, because, I mean, we won't get another date like that (except 11/11/11 and 12/12/12), and
shadowen suggested that I write ten ficlets in ten fandoms, ten words each. So I did, and I encourage you to do so as well!

Fandoms: Inception, Venture Bros, Mythbusters, Dresden Files, Phoenix Wright, Stargate Atlantis, House MD, NCIS, Cowboy Bebop, and Blake's 7; very, very vague spoilers for Cowboy Bebop, Blake's 7, and Venture Bros.

1. Inception

Eames's totem- not a poker chip. It was Ariadne's disdain.

2. Venture Bros

And it wasn't Myra, but, well, it was close enough.

3. Mythbusters

Adam swore that it would never happen again. Tory didn't.

4. Dresden Files

Pardon my French, but Nicodemus? That guy is a dick.

5. Phoenix Wright

Edgeworth couldn't choose between Phoenix and Gumshoe. So he didn't.

6. Stargate Atlantis

John saw more of Rodney after he ascended. Go figure.

7. House MD

When Cuddy kissed her, Stacy wasn't thinking about anybody else.


You shouldn't let Abby unzip your pants. You do anyway.

9. Cowboy Bebop

After Spike, Faye rides with VT. It's a step up.

10. Blake's 7

All Avon kept thinking was "Thank God for Gauda Prime."

This entry was automagically crossposted from http://sabinetzin.dreamwidth.org/264719.html.
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sga, venture_bros, fic, cowboy_bebop, mythbusters, house, dresden_files, blake's_7, memes, inception, ncis, gyakuten_saiban

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