I would just tweet this, but, like, my family reads my twitter

Aug 26, 2010 20:19

I'm just saying, if somebody wrote John Dall/Farley Granger, I would read it seventeen times a day.

I do have a birthday coming up. I'm just throwing that out there. We would accept John Dall/anyone (and, indeed, John Dall/everyone).

(This post brought to you by Hardcore cider and Gun Crazy, the perfect antidote to a bad day. Seriously, this movie is just like an hour and a half of John Dall and Peggy Cummins being insouciant, waving guns around, and looking like they're mere seconds from ripping each other's clothes off. GOD THE EYESEX. NO DAMMIT STOP WITH THE SOFT FILTER, I WANT TO WATCH THEM MAKING OUT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU)

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rope, rpf, movies

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