Thirty Days of Recs, Day 7: Gunplay!

Aug 04, 2010 20:13

I actually really hate guns in real life; I've never fired one and I don't ever plan to. But despite that, or perhaps because of it, I have a special place in my little black heart for gunplay. So, here are some fine examples of the genre.

Suck by lovelokast
(SGA, John/Rodney, 1041 words, NC-17)
Mmm. This is particularly dirtybadwrong. I highly approve.

New Found Glory by moonlettuce
(SGA, John/Rodney, 554 words, NC-17)
I've recced this before, on the dirty talk list, but I'm reccing it again, because it is really hot.

Target Practice by cathalin
(SGA, John/Rodney, 4920 words, NC-17)
This one is lighter than the others, without being any less hot.

At Gunpoint by out_there
(SGA, John/Rodney, 1975 words, NC-17)
It should not be any surprise at all that I have a competency kink, and this story plays into it quite nicely. Rodney is the one with the gun, for once, and he is very good with it.

Day 1: Teen AUs
Day 2: Illustrated stories
Day 3: Hilarious stories
Day 4: Ladies, Part 1
Day 5: Dirtybadwrong stories
Day 6: D/s AU

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30_days_of_recs, recommendations

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