Blake's 7: You need it in your life.

Feb 03, 2010 21:24

Blake's 7 is a classic example of how science fiction should be done. It was darker and edgier before darker and edgier was played out, it's gripping and funny and cruel in places, it still stands up as a series despite the fact that it was made for twelve dollars in the late seventies- it pretty much kicks ass, is what I'm trying to say.

That being said, it has some of the most inexplicable fucking costuming I have ever seen.

There's a difference between cheap and inexplicable; Star Trek had cheap costumes that looked pretty okay, because everybody (I mean, aside from the aliens) wore pretty much the same thing. The costumes on Blake's 7 don't make any sense at all, and that's why they're hilarious enough that I have to share them with you.

[A few notes: The caps come from Series A and B, but you will find no plot spoilers in here (I mean, there's stuff from big scenes, I just haven't given any context), and I don't want any in the comments (spoilers make the baby Jesus cry). This is a picspam, so it is not particularly dial up friendly; and because this is Blake's 7, the quality of some of the screenshots is terrible.]

First up, our intrepid hero, Roj Blake, who, by the way, sees what you did there.

Blake's space anorak is a personal favorite of mine.

This one is mostly in here to demonstrate how terribly eclectic the costuming is; I like it on the one hand because it's sort of realistic (that many people from different planets dress differently, not what they're actually wearing), but on the other hand, it's often hilarious.

And please note that the space anorak comes in several colors, to accommodate all your offworld needs (unless what you need offworld is camouflage). I also want to point out Avon's lovely jacket, which is constructed from an emergency blanket and some bric-a-brac.

Later on, Blake got some sort of space doublet. I want to highlight the high quality construction; and by that I mean that it looks like they took a box cutter to a Members Only jacket.

I think Blake needs a hug after that.

Moving on, here we have the lovely, the multitalented, the multicolored: Vila.

And then he stopped, as if to say, "Did I leave the gas on?"

He also frequently wears the blue suede affair pictured here. Also of note: Jenna is wearing something that I swear I almost bought from the Lane Bryant; you can see more of Blake's space doublet; and Avon. Well. We'll talk about Avon later.

If you're wondering why Vila is dressed as a school crossing guard, I got nothing for you, honestly.

Also notice their high tech weaponry, which always sort of looked to me like the UV lamps that dentists use to cure fillings.

I think even Avon needs a hug after that. Gan is happy to oblige.

Sadly, I didn't get many caps of Gan, mostly because he's not on screen as often as some of the others, and he's quite large. Most of his stuff is just stolen from Brian Blessed's wardrobe, anyway.

Let us move briefly to a contemplation of the ladies of Blake's 7. Here we see Cally, in a lovely, uh, fake leopard, uh.

I really can't make it funnier than it already is.

Later, she wears this lovely affair, which was made from the discarded interior of a higher-end Volvo.

(I actually do like this outfit, and am considering trying to replicate it for con. I was rather sad when she thrashed it offworld.)

Here is the lovely Jenna, who is apparently cosplaying as Donna Troy, and, well, this guy, who's either dressed as one of the Frenchmen from Holy Grail or as the Sheik of the Bargain Bin.

And here's the whole gang (or, y'know, most of it). Cally is wearing some sort of church choir robe, which is not particularly surprising. You can't see it very well, but Jenna's outfit is sort of uncharacteristically unremarkable, so it doesn't matter.

Let us pause for an Avon/Jenna eyesex break.

Oh, Avon. Dear, dear, sweet Avon. As I told twitter, Avon is what would happen if Spock were evil, egotistical, and dressed like a leather daddy.

I'm really not kidding about that. He's even got a gimp.

We've ready seen his red padded thing. Sadly.

I think this is possibly my favorite of his inexplicable outfits, though. I just. No words.

I think the last time I saw it, it was hanging at the First Baptist Church around Christmas time.

We would also like to remind you that Avon is totally hetero, despite what you might have heard, and does not appreciate his crew mates' attempts to come on to him.

At all.

Speaking of people who dubcon all over everyone else, here we have Servalan.

Who, with her Bondage Barbies, is apparently on her way to Ascot.

Travis is upset that he doesn't get to come...

...but Servalan reminds him to shut his whore mouth when the men are talking.

I actually really like a lot of Servalan's costuming, as ridiculous as it is.

Though, I would like to remind you that she is the Supreme Commander of the military.

I am also a little perplexed as to why this particular dress features a rhinestone encrusted lizard, which appears clinging to her boobs for dear life.

Oh well. It's pretty.

Let's speak a bit of the minor characters, shall we?

I seriously don't know what's up with this redcoat, and I'm not sure I want to find out. Her face is scary.


I swear I used to have a choir dress in that pattern.

High collars are in this space season, apparently.

For my money, though, these guys are clearly the hands-down winners of the bizarrely dressed minor characters award. Not pictured: the clear plastic giving them a permanent wedgie (which might be why they were so pissed at the crew).

David Bowie, circa Ziggy Stardust, would look at this and go, "That's a little much, don't you think?"

Oh, Blake's 7. Never change.

blake's_7, picspam_what?

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