Three Things You Need In Your Life

Jan 20, 2010 15:17

1. Fans of dance music, mashups, or textual poaching in general: Bootie Magazine has released the new Best of Bootie, its yearly mashup compilation, which is once again awesome. And it's free! I particularly recommend "Party & Bullshit (In the USA)" and "Shut Up and Take Me Out"; also of note is "It's My Life Confessions, Pt. II", the all-Glee mashup remix (it's v. complicated), which is great (and I don't even like Glee!).

If you scroll down, you can also download all the previous compilations, which I highly recommend.

2. Unless you like Gibbs/DiNozzo (which I don't), there's not a lot to recommend the NCIS Kink Meme. That being said, Urge by sarkywoman is a gem. It's Abby/Tony, with Abby as a precocious vampire and Tony as her unwitting victim, and it's just a whole lot of fun (though it is WIP).

3. A nap. Or maybe it is just me. I can't resist the urge any longer. It's the weather.

ETA: 4. That's the thing I forgot to post! This guy on youtube has some excellent ASL translations of popular songs, particularly Jonathan Coulton. Best of all, he gives glosses of his translations, so you can see the syntactic differences between spoken English and ASL.

music, sabine = daniel jackson?, recommendations, ncis

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