Powell's is offering 20% off orders $20 or more until midnight (PST, I assume) tomorrow night. Use code #powellswin at checkout.
2. In a related story, the
Smart Bitches' first book,
Beyond Heaving Bosoms, is out this week. You could buy it and a mass market paperback or a used trade, and it would add up to more than $20. Just sayin'.
3. Who got enough back on her taxes to pay for her Comic-Con flight? Oh, that would be me.
4. I am STARVING, I have actual folding money from my parents, and all I want to eat is food from the cafeteria. What is wrong with this picture?
5. It is 11:16! Office hour is over! Lunch now! Paper afterwards! Then bioarch! More paper! Annotated bibliography! SG-1!