Title: Better Unsaid
Summary: Mal couldn't stand to hear a little bit more, as a matter of fact.
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 313
Rating/Warnings: PG
Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee
A/N: For
30_kisses. I wrote this in like, February; I'm not sure why I neglected to post it here.
"Kaylee?" Mal called, stepping into the engine room.
"Yeah, Cap'n?" she answered, and Mal looked for the source of her voice. As expected, she was underneath the engine, doing something that was apparently very important, and he prepared to pretend to know what it was.
"Can I talk to you for a bit?"
She gave the wrench a final, authoritative twist and climbed out. She plugged a hanging cable into a socket, and the engine hummed to life, as steady as ever. "What do you need?"
"Need to talk to you about Jayne."
There was a momentary flash of panic on Kaylee's face, so brief that nobody but Mal- excepting Zoe, Wash, Inara, and most of the population of Persephone, of course- could have noticed it. "What would I know about Jayne?"
Mal leaned back against the wall. "He's been acting mighty strange lately."
"Strange? I didn't see nothin' strange," she said defensively. "I didn't notice nothin' at all."
"Kinda hard not to notice, mei mei, what with the way that Jayne's took to screamin' and runnin' every time you walk into the room."
Kaylee studied the grease on her hands. "Can't notice him if he ain't ever in the same room."
"Kaywinnit," Mal said, adopting his most serious voice.
"He's just so damn bashful," she sighed, sitting down against the wall.
He stared at her. "Are we talking about the same Jayne? Big guy? Hairy? Many firearms?"
"All I ever told him was I thought he was shuai," she continued, ignoring him.
"Obviously not," he answered to himself.
"And that if he ever wanted to-" She mercifully restricted herself to a few hand gestures.
"I cannot be hearing this," Mal muttered.
"And then all I tried to do was give him a little kiss-"
At that, Mal put his fingers in his ears and went away, loudly singing to himself in Chinese.