Title: Love Me Till the Sun Shines from "The Late Spike Spiegel Blues"
Summary: Spike practices Jeet Kun Do for the first time in months.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Word Count: 737
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for Julia bashing.
Pairing: Spike/Faye
A/N: This one is actually a bit longer than the other chapters. Hurrah! Also, many thanks to
luckiemonky for the (albeit unconscious) title inspiration.
ETA: There was a mistake in the first line that made it... well, not make any sense. But I fixed it, both here and on ff.net. Hurrah!
Spike didn't let on to Faye that he knew about her little vigil. The next day at lunch, he noticed her giving Jet funny looks, but she didn’t say anything. He figured it was just as well.
After lunch, Jet called up the latest bounty information on the computer, but not before Spike got a look at the search he had been running. Radical Edward. So he did miss her. A lost cause though- if Ed didn’t want to be found, she wouldn’t be. Jet perused the list of bounty heads.
“Nothing but small fry,” he said, staring at the screen. “Most of them look like more trouble than they’re worth. But it doesn’t matter.” Jet leaned back and lit up a cigarette. “We’ve still got enough money left from the last one, since someone hasn’t been able to spend it all yet.” Spike shook his head and walked out of the living room. Sure enough, it started- Faye and Jet were bickering. It was almost comforting in its familiarity.
He ducked into his room and changed into his workout clothes, then went down to the control room. Spike had been meaning to practice ever since he got back, but it kept slipping his mind. He wondered just how out of shape he was. He thought out his workout as he stretched. Nothing too strenuous, but enough to get his blood flowing.
Spike fell back into his routine easily. For the first few movements, he focused on keeping his motions as fluid as possible; but then his mind started to drift. Julia. He was always coming back to Julia these days.
He couldn’t work out why it didn’t hurt like it did the first time he lost her. He waited all day at the graveyard. When she didn’t come, he fell to his knees and sobbed. There was no worse feeling than knowing that she was alive somewhere, but that she had abandoned him.
So the Syndicate had thought he was dead. Maybe Julia told them he was. Maybe she even said she killed him, though he didn’t think Vicious would have believed that. He took off, met Jet, started a new life. Slowly, the sorrow melted and became just an empty feeling, a hollow where Julia was supposed to be.
Julia. He was slowly starting to get angry at her. Julia had let him spend three years of his life looking for her, while she was probably screwing Vicious the whole time. He’d felt dead for those years, because he was too afraid to feel alive without her. She was the one who’d sucked him into this whole mess, who had really convinced him that they belonged together. He’d built his whole existence around this great mythos, this clichéd tragedy, and now it was gone. The cycle had completed itself without him. Julia never planned for that, what would happen if they didn’t end up together. She’d left him with nothing. He’d cut all his ties to his life before her. He’d even changed his name, for Christ’s sake.
And now all he had was Jet and Faye. Faye, who he’d ignored when he wasn’t being downright hostile to her. Faye, who didn’t really want anything but some money and someone to belong to. Faye, who loved him enough to try to stop him from meeting Vicious. He’d been so blind for all this time, blinded by Julia, yet she still loved him.
Faye appeared at the doorway. “Spike, dinner’s ready,” she said. He didn’t appear to hear her, he just kept on. “Hey, you with the fuzzy hair!”
Spike stopped dead, walked over, and kissed Faye full on the mouth. He kissed her because she wasn’t ever going to run out on him, betray him, lie to him, was never going to hurt him on purpose. He kissed her because she didn’t have blonde hair or own a catsuit. He kissed her because she hated Vicious. He was probably kissing her so hard that he was bruising her right now, but he didn’t care. He was feeling something, just to prove to Julia and Vicious and whoever the hell else that he could feel something without them.
Spike pulled back. “Do you like roses?” he asked.
Faye gave him a look of great confusion. “No, they remind me of old women,” she replied, sounding utterly lost.
Then he kissed her again, just because she was Faye.