Title: Deal
Summary: Poor Simon.
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 336
Rating/Warnings: PG
Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee, implied Simon/Kaylee
A/N: For
30_kisses. My new policy is that if the idea of a fic makes me giggle, I need to write it. It has never steered me wrong.
Simon sat in the common room, trying not to gouge his eyes out.
Kaylee kept giggling and squirming, which wasn't a particularly bad or abnormal thing. It was more the fact that Jayne, whose lap she happened to be seated upon, kept tickling her. It wasn't just the tickling, but the whole cutesy talk and untoward smiles package.
He valiantly endured this torment for a good ten minutes, picking at the arm of his chair determinedly. Finally, he stalked off across the room, unnoticed by the happy couple. Pretending not to look back, Simon futzed around the infirmary, cleaning things that weren't dirty and muttering over the state of his syringes. He started to reorganize a cabinet, but the bottle he was holding somehow broke when he saw Kaylee give Jayne a slow, lingering kiss.
Simon looked at his hand and sighed. At least it gave him some real work to do.
"Is the coast clear?" Jayne asked, poking his head into the engine room.
"Come on in," Kaylee said, reaching down into her coveralls. Pulling out a small sack, she counted out a few coins.
"Pleasure doing business with you," Jayne told her, taking the money and stuffing it into his pocket.
Kaylee sighed. "Don't you think all this is kinda underhand?"
"Hell no," Jayne replied. "Damn fool deserves it."
"But he didn't mean-"
He interrupted her, counting off offenses on his fingers. "He forgot your birthday, your anniversary, Qi Xi Jie-"
"Wouldn't let me to go that boneyard on Dyton, even though it was just across the way and there was a perfectly good compression coil sitting right there, and Lord knows we need an extra one-"
"And he said them coveralls made your ass look big."
Kaylee narrowed her eyes. "He does deserve it."
"Hey, ya know," Jayne said with a leer, "we could make it an awful lot more convincing."
"No," Kaylee said flatly, then reconsidered. "Unless he says something about my momma or my tools. Then all bets are off."